Elections NYT: Majority See Biden Too Old To Be Effective

Powerful rebuttal. What border policies do you think were rescinded that made a noticeable difference in border crossings?

Fucktard has me blocked... but a 10 second search

- Halted Border wall construction (which he resumed later)
- Canceled Remain in Mexico
- Paused Deportations
- ICE Policies
On February 7, 2021, Biden began the implementation of new guidelines for Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents, forbidding or restricting them from seeking out deportations on the basis of "drug based crimes (less serious offenses), simple assault, DUI, money laundering, property crimes, fraud, tax crimes, solicitation, or charges without convictions," as stated by Tae Johnson, the acting director of ICE, instead prioritizing "violent behavior, well-documented gang affiliations," and a record of child abuse, murder, rape, and major drug infractions.[4] Deportations merely on the basis of at least 10-year old felonies or "loose" gang affiliations would also be prevented.

Biden Suspends Deportations, Stops 'Remain In Mexico' Policy (Jan 2021)​

ICE Response
- In response to Biden's order on February 7, 2021, an ICE official chafed that the Biden administration had "abolished ICE without abolishing ICE [...] The pendulum swing is so extreme. It literally feels like we've gone from the ability to fully enforce our immigration laws to now being told to enforce nothing."[4] Other ICE officials and agents argued that said changes were more dramatic than even Biden promised during his campaign.

But don't forget Kamala's stirring declaration to illegal immigrants in 2021
I clearly did as I described what happened.

I also saw them pull the audio feed from one specific reporter to make it seem like that voice was as clear to Biden when obviously all he heard was the cacophony.

This is why groups like Project Veritas are so effective with conservatives, you'll buy whatever they're selling at face value and promote it with your last breath.

So... You're a rube not a player. I had assumed you were much smarter than that. Feel free to point out any blatant propaganda I have specifically pushed and provide an example of my sharing busted media. You can't, because I don't play the game or buy the hype.
Here's another one, Trotsky. Just happened.

Its also probably just Project Veritas fake news though.
Fucktard has me blocked... but a 10 second search

- Halted Border wall construction (which he resumed later)
- Canceled Remain in Mexico
- Paused Deportations
- ICE Policies
On February 7, 2021, Biden began the implementation of new guidelines for Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents, forbidding or restricting them from seeking out deportations on the basis of "drug based crimes (less serious offenses), simple assault, DUI, money laundering, property crimes, fraud, tax crimes, solicitation, or charges without convictions," as stated by Tae Johnson, the acting director of ICE, instead prioritizing "violent behavior, well-documented gang affiliations," and a record of child abuse, murder, rape, and major drug infractions.[4] Deportations merely on the basis of at least 10-year old felonies or "loose" gang affiliations would also be prevented.

Biden Suspends Deportations, Stops 'Remain In Mexico' Policy (Jan 2021)​

ICE Response
- In response to Biden's order on February 7, 2021, an ICE official chafed that the Biden administration had "abolished ICE without abolishing ICE [...] The pendulum swing is so extreme. It literally feels like we've gone from the ability to fully enforce our immigration laws to now being told to enforce nothing."[4] Other ICE officials and agents argued that said changes were more dramatic than even Biden promised during his campaign.

But don't forget Kamala's stirring declaration to illegal immigrants in 2021

Its funny Biden tells Republicns to have a spine and vote for a soft border bill and yet he's too spineless to enact any EOs.
Here's another one, Trotsky. Just happened.

Its also probably just Project Veritas fake news though.


AKA the conservative Enquirer.

Everyone knows about the thousand insanely stupid things Trump says, why don’t they mention those?

They’re a partisan rag, that’s why.

AKA the conservative Enquirer.

Everyone knows about the thousand insanely stupid things Trump says, why don’t they mention those?

They’re a partisan rag, that’s why.
And he's obviously joking.

"OMG, he said he flew in from D.C. and his arms are tired!!! Clearly senile!! Fox News is right!"

AKA the conservative Enquirer.

Everyone knows about the thousand insanely stupid things Trump says, why don’t they mention those?

They’re a partisan rag, that’s why.
LOL, more deflection? I'm shocked. Above my post there are a few more from the same incident. You can look at those but everyone knows you'll just have more excuses. Like I said, a far left lickspittle.
lol, so creepy. Just looking blankly with glossed over doll's eyes. Lifeless.

Man this is kind of scary. The only reason I don't freak out is cause I know people in the background will just run things for now. Hopefully the next election will have some fresh blood.
And he's obviously joking.

"OMG, he said he flew in from D.C. and his arms are tired!!! Clearly senile!! Fox News is right!"

No, I think he's serious.

I don't think he's as stupid as he pretends to be but this is the message his party is putting out so this is the message he's stuck with.

Weird that they're going anywhere near this issue considering how batshit insane and delirious Trump has been. Maybe they expect him to be in prison come election time and a much younger Republican will contest the presidency.

It doesn't make sense otherwise, What are these idiots thinking?
No, I think he's serious.

I don't think he's as stupid as he pretends to be but this is the message his party is putting out so this is the message he's stuck with.

Weird that they're going anywhere near this issue considering how batshit insane and delirious Trump has been. Maybe they expect him to be in prison come election time and a much younger Republican will contest the presidency.

It doesn't make sense otherwise, What are these idiots thinking?
I mean Biden saying he's going to get into trouble. Joking comment that has Republicans going nuts because they're so primed to back up the Fox narrative.
I mean Biden saying he's going to get into trouble. Joking comment that has Republicans going nuts because they're so primed to back up the Fox narrative.

I thought we were talking about Holmes.

I'm super tired, I shouldn't post here right after work.

I thought Holmes was obviously joking giving a New York Post link.

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