Movies Predator Franchise - More on the way!!

They’re gonna do the same thing with Predator that they did with Star Wars: ignore the 10+ years of comics & novelizations that expanded the lore of the IP only to make films that’re creatively bankrupt just to milk the franchise outta as much profit as possible.


The "lore" is nothing vital to a good Predator movie. So throw it in the trash.
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The comics have fucking Dutch's BROTHER lookin for him,and he basically is a Arnold clone.

Basically because they couldnt afford to use Arnold's likeness.

I like some of the comics,and some of them are whatever. I dont think the movies need to be tied to anything from those comics. Why? What is so important in the comics that the movies need and have to follow? Most of them are short self contained stories.

They already have just borrowed ideas from the comics and just did whatever they wanted anyway. The AVP movie didnt have shit to do with Disney. It just stole ideas from the original AVP comic. That was in what? 2007? Didnt respect what happened in the comic at all but we are only bitching NOW about canon?? Since when did any of these movies follow canon??

Prey was its own story,and is connected by the rifle to Predator 2. What did it need from the comics? Not a goddamned thing,who cares?

The comics could be 1000% canon and PREY would stay exactly the same.
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If Dutch's brother or Nakai showed up in a Predator movie,no one would know who the fuck either of them were.