International Putin and Xi Jinping pledge new era of Sino-Russian 'no limits' relationship. Tell US to "Know your role, and stop meddling"

there should be no american hegemony.
the world needs precisely zero hegemonies.

I dont believe in standing armies. But i recognize humanity in our current state cant operate like this.

If you think dollar inflation is high now. America removing itself from the world stage would cause the dollars purchasing power to collapse.
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Chinese economy is fading fast too, they've lost significant ground post-COVID. This isn't abrupt, it's actually long overdue.

Are you down with GDP?
They did, as in they make more stuff and consume more stuff. But that's because they have a lot of people. It doesn't mean much.
The US has a technological and financial advantage.

GDP only means so much, on the same page we have the "The Netherlands has a bigger GDP than Russia!" idiots. As if the Netherlands could sustain 2 years of all out war with Ukraine.

Yeah, my vitriol towards China has cooled off considerably over the last couple years. The country peaked at pulling within $6 trillion of America's nominal GDP; now that figure is back over $10t and their slump is only just beginning. It's looking more and more likely that we all go to our graves with the USA holding position as the most powerful country in the world. I still find the scale of China's IP theft and industrial espionage to be absolutely unfathomable and unforgivable though.
Yeah, my vitriol towards China has cooled off considerably over the last couple years. The country peaked at pulling within $6 trillion of America's nominal GDP; now that figure is back over $10t and their slump is only just beginning. It's looking more and more likely that we all go to our graves with the USA holding position as the most powerful country in the world. I still find the scale of China's IP theft and industrial espionage to be absolutely unfathomable and unforgivable though.

China was never going to reach America while remaining a dictatorship, dictatorships are great at quick industrializations but they suck at more advanced free market economies, too many corrupt politicians picking winners and losers prevent innovation and competition and create market inefficiencies.

China with Xi decided it would rather stay as a third world dictatorship than move onwards.

China did nothing out of the ordinary that was not done by other countries which industrialized into middle income economies, the big difference is simply the sheer population numbers means that China with a GDP of Brazil or Mexico would always be a GDP monster due to its size.

The same happened with South Korea and Taiwan, but these nations moved forward by liberalizing its political system along with their markets which allowed them to grow into high income economies.

CCP is the biggest roadblock to Chinese development, and that works for the rest of the world i guess, i still love Cheap chinese goods.
I remember multiple times seen posts on here about we need ally with putin to take on china lol

Racists are pretty obvious, they see Russia as a white country therefore a natural ally despite the fact that Russia and the West have nothing in common, unlike Russia and China.
At least one side isn't openly supporting Russia whose stated goal is to end American hegemony.
And why or how is American hegemony good for the world exactly?
I will believe it when Russia gives back the territory it annexed from China. I am pretty sure China is salty over that sizeable chunk of land.
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Ah yes, being smug has never had historical consequences.
Well I saw your nonsensical diatribe about how the US has no soft power left and China is and blah blah and realized it's the same narrative we have seen on here for years now. I can't help but laugh at it when in the aftermath of the Ukraine invasion it became apparent that it was just that, a narrative. So China and Russia can tug each other off and wag their fingers at the US all they want but it's pretty clear that the US is still the big dog and it's unlikely to change in our lifetime.
Well I saw your nonsensical diatribe about how the US has no soft power left and China is and blah blah and realized it's the same narrative we have seen on here for years now. I can't help but laugh at it when in the aftermath of the Ukraine invasion it became apparent that it was just that, a narrative. So China and Russia can tug each other off and wag their fingers at the US all they want but it's pretty clear that the US is still the big dog and it's unlikely to change in our lifetime.
well if smug retorts is all you got, it kinda proves my point you have no soft power. no wonder even the allies don't really trust you anymore.
well if smug retorts is all you got, it kinda proves my point you have no soft power. no wonder even the allies don't really trust you anymore.

Should America take on a policy of non-interventionism again? There was a bunch of dudes in the WW2 thread crying about it not getting involved sooner.

Should America take on a policy of non-interventionism again? There was a bunch of dudes in the WW2 thread crying about it not getting involved sooner.

Up until 9/11, America had a cadre of very well prepared public servants in the field of foreign policy. it all went to shit after that and those people were marginalized and replaced by cretinous ideologues who, what they lacked in skill, they made up in ruthless stupidity. What was a game of subtle equilibrium, guided a bit by the experience hands of the europeans (brits mainly, but also germans, french, etc), with shared goals and with respect for the fallen enemy, turned into a neocon drooling party where your point is to teabag the defeated and toot your own horn.

America would do good for itself, and the world, to retreat for a while and do some inward looking, a bit of meditation of what it wants to be, and when that thought turns into a global positive, to slowly radiate that towards the world. that's how you can inspire the world again.

Cause now America went from being a quarterback to being the drunken linebacker.

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