So..., a lot of nothing much, ... a nice night, ... a nice evening, ...

Drunken Meat Fist

Veni Veni Veni
Senior Administrator
Dec 18, 2001
Reaction score
music note emjoi insert ... And "When I say a LOT, ....of NUTHIN" .....(audience skirmish),.... "I Mean .....nothing (low base pedal, like a bike pedal backspin ease of the heart - Wamda-I-L-C you-shutup), ..."nothin'. ... a little thumbed back bass kick in on the every-other-on-note-then-off-whenever-he-like to get the groove right. Yeah, ... ,,,yeah, and I do have a whole reason for coming here are 3 a.m. in Februar, who, how do spell February. don't look right, don't matter, stay with me. .... what you have to say don't matter if you if you don't say it just right. hang on...all internal mumbles fadeaway in smoootheditt. .. ... ... . . . .

Cowboy: like lightning! alibi's intact now, in iron-(y),. and we keep rollin' , thank you all for a bunch of things, to begin with, I'm not sure I made a complete thought. It's not a requisite that anyone who clicks me isn't just digging the av, ...jumping on my vibe. As some of you know, I always have this vibe, it's just between tears, vomit, and as I'm trying to figure out the accurate typing of ratiocination, edgar allan poe, I'm typing ratiocination, this popped up playing after as the next song on youtube as I'm typing, me, coming in with paced easy reins on a good night. life is good, the world's shit, but life is good. ....this deep pause wasn't planned. The song that played meant a little bit to me, recently especially,ah.. life chops. gonna a need a minute for this timing.
ahahaha, fuck.

seriously, does your life just randomly jack your playlist as you die. What's the point of life. Concentrate your essence in a notebook of thoughts these days and it just randomly spits relevant poignancies out. Is that where we are.

The timing is on, you got me before I posted, but this is good shit. You got a free one after that. I'm a simple guy on the surface, but I'm a simple guy underneath.
Dammit. I guess it's time to shave , shower and go to work so I can donate $79.99 to Dana for UFC 299
In the old days, everyone was generic, and out of a million there would rise one person you thought was the shit because so different, your guy, that's the guy, that guy you to grab to, not to be, but leg up, soul-or maybe craft-wise, I'm not this guy, but I mean, where we come from, I come from a place of place where people liked tv and enjoy radio music. This is my home.
WTF Lady Madonna is playing in another window. See how they run, ....

tuesday afternoo

sse how


I believe in gods.

If I'm found dead some day, I hope anyone who care thought, ah! "Nobody every loved me
