So..., a lot of nothing much, ... a nice night, ... a nice evening, ...

Fuck it, all the years a loved one's and girls I thought I might love enough to let it, AHAHAAHAHA

I'm in love for the first time, I know it's gonna lassst. HEARBREK!!"

Penny Lane is favorite - eviscerate me
Don't Let me Down - evisercerates what's left

not my thoughts, but as the playlist on my fucking audi followup. maybe you do concoct your way to a degree


Dammit. I guess it's time to shave , shower and go to work so I can donate $79.99 to Dana for UFC 299
I don't know what that means, but from me to you, on a hundred days I pop in, 60/40 I'm down, in any case, you're almost always the first one there. Thank you. To me, delineation of all categories is clear, (this is my own personal, not ungrinded,- through philosophic, psychological, historical, whimsical, - friendly vetting in some cases), ....You're a ridiciously substantial mf, my eyes, my typing, my response, I can't even reply back like I used to. In the course of internet, it don't mean shit, but when you're calling your pissant aversary a co cksucker, spelling matters. In the day you'd go to sleep with your miss takes and awake to defend your butchered reputation. And then (and I know this was a big world wide thing (twelve or fifteen fight websites that had talking discussion afterwards) it was truly the wild wild west, ...insofar as the actual smartest, and sometimes genuinely smart (how do you spell genuinley?), is also the boredest angriest, unfulfilldest guy who can now get a website and pro promulgate. Eveyone was an offshoot, but in my eyes there was only one who swept up in the beginning and just fucking went for it, ala, Walter White, he was too fucking stupid for all that, but if we were writing the story, Walter White was a fiction...I was completely new to the game and first assignment, take care of Coleman the Ape.
Youve said it best.
"what you have to say don't matter if you if you don't say it just right."
All in all, it was no notice that I was gonna make post, no one was shot or killed or had their chicken noodle soup denoodle in the kids' caffeteria (how do you spell cafetteria?), it's like Spaghhetti and Graffittii, only the bail bonds men and the family grandmas know the no men clay churches, and Pastor Peter Collapsekey, Disgraced, and purely exhonerated Detet3dtve Mamry Jerkturn. As the volubile plausible converstion continues, animated and plausiblly convincingly, the woman with big eyeglasses unslipping her eyeglasse to put on the rarely used personal turnstile recordplayer that it mic'd throught the floor and lower auditorium, audio meaning you hear shit, an torium,from the Greek meaning, fucking Tori is in the building! ....

Werner Herzog is pretty rad though. How he can make conceptual shit movies like Fitzcarraldo into entertaining watches is pretty impressive.
Youve said it best.
"what you have to say don't matter if you if you don't say it just right."
Cheers brother!, In those Le Brea Salt Flats, I was looking for specific line I felt, well, a passage from book, I have the book still, and found the passage, and it seeing a bookmark, it struck me has how fucking simple, my thoughts on a personal thing right now, I can go to a book, another guy said a personal thing, that resonated, and between the two us, who've never met, however good, I don't feel (not as some holy, righteous shit, or a never to do thing, that's ridiculous), ..just felt, in this case, tonight, if I can't find the words and thought I want, let it be. No matter what or the passage of time, sometimes just shutting the fuck up is the coolest thing,

If it starts raining toads tonight, maybe I'm wrong. ...I'm already wrong. It's not tonight, it's this morning. I have to be somewhere in three fucking hours.

I've been doing this non-profit thing for 11 or 12 years now, not really a big deal. I just go around and try to find kids on the street or preferably a family who've had it rough, and ask them if they WISH to see a solid impersonation of Johnny Carson. I can do Burt Lancaster, Tom Snyder, Charles Bronson, William Holden, Orson Welles Macbeth, for the girls, I can do Gloria Swanson, Faye Dunaway, Judy Holliday, and Ruth Gordon. I've always had an appreciation of Harriett Tubman, but know there's no way I can do that, even though I've put in a lot of time, personally. Instead, I do Christina Rossetti reciting some of Rossetti's poetry, but I shift my weight and read left-handed, tilt my head, not because she was that way, but because, fuck you people.
I got into Happy Hardcore techno and never looked back. Reshaped my taste in music in all the wrong ways.
Cheers brother!, In those Le Brea Salt Flats, I was looking for specific line I felt, well, a passage from book, I have the book still, and found the passage, and it seeing a bookmark, it struck me has how fucking simple, my thoughts on a personal thing right now, I can go to a book, another guy said a personal thing, that resonated, and between the two us, who've never met, however good, I don't feel (not as some holy, righteous shit, or a never to do thing, that's ridiculous), ..just felt, in this case, tonight, if I can't find the words and thought I want, let it be. No matter what or the passage of time, sometimes just shutting the fuck up is the coolest thing,

If it starts raining toads tonight, maybe I'm wrong. ...I'm already wrong. It's not tonight, it's this morning. I have to be somewhere in three fucking hours.

I've been doing this non-profit thing for 11 or 12 years now, not really a big deal. I just go around and try to find kids on the street or preferably a family who've had it rough, and ask them if they WISH to see a solid impersonation of Johnny Carson. I can do Burt Lancaster, Tom Snyder, Charles Bronson, William Holden, Orson Welles Macbeth, for the girls, I can do Gloria Swanson, Faye Dunaway, Judy Holliday, and Ruth Gordon. I've always had an appreciation of Harriett Tubman, but know there's no way I can do that, even though I've put in a lot of time, personally. Instead, I do Christina Rossetti reciting some of Rossetti's poetry, but I shift my weight and read left-handed, tilt my head, not because she was that way, but because, fuck you people.
You're good people Meat. I remember reading your posts and the other OG's back in the beginning of 2002.... using "huge" words that I had no idea the meaning of ( forgive me we talk simple here... mainly in beer ) and thinking... jeez these guys are smart and have it together, I don't belong here.
Cheers brother!, In those Le Brea Salt Flats, I was looking for specific line I felt, well, a passage from book, I have the book still, and found the passage, and it seeing a bookmark, it struck me has how fucking simple, my thoughts on a personal thing right now, I can go to a book, another guy said a personal thing, that resonated, and between the two us, who've never met, however good, I don't feel (not as some holy, righteous shit, or a never to do thing, that's ridiculous), ..just felt, in this case, tonight, if I can't find the words and thought I want, let it be. No matter what or the passage of time, sometimes just shutting the fuck up is the coolest thing,

If it starts raining toads tonight, maybe I'm wrong. ...I'm already wrong. It's not tonight, it's this morning. I have to be somewhere in three fucking hours.

I've been doing this non-profit thing for 11 or 12 years now, not really a big deal. I just go around and try to find kids on the street or preferably a family who've had it rough, and ask them if they WISH to see a solid impersonation of Johnny Carson. I can do Burt Lancaster, Tom Snyder, Charles Bronson, William Holden, Orson Welles Macbeth, for the girls, I can do Gloria Swanson, Faye Dunaway, Judy Holliday, and Ruth Gordon. I've always had an appreciation of Harriett Tubman, but know there's no way I can do that, even though I've put in a lot of time, personally. Instead, I do Christina Rossetti reciting some of Rossetti's poetry, but I shift my weight and read left-handed, tilt my head, not because she was that way, but because, fuck you people.
I think you understood that i didnt honestly understand your original message heheh
It hard to "read" people. Specially thru messages, and specially by being such an ignorant peasant as myself.

And i can tell you that i sitll remember my father telling me " you need to read more", but that i still dont read any books, never have.
I dont know why... Maybe because ive lost the enchantment in Life...mainly because of the unclosered flaws i havent managed to come full circle with, and that, most of whats left of me are ghosts i'd rather live without ...

For a moment there, i thought you were drunkenly inlove, and sharing that loving feeling, in the moment. And for that, which i thought i'd understood, i felt the need to give you a heads up. Not that you need it, but maybe because i do... i dont know ...
But, "fuck you people" certainly resonates with me.
Still, i hope you and your loved ones are doing well, and i really appreciated your message.

Cheers, bro !