Tom Aspinall is the most dangerous human being alive

Why do you think Aspinal would follow rules if there weren't any? It's not like highly trained fighters can't grasp the 'complexities' of eye gouging, throat striking or smashing balls.
To be fair, Tom seems like the guy who would still follow them.
Book him against Anthony Joshua and let's see
BJJ rules are even more restrictive but you think Victor Hugo would win. lol

Jeffrey Dahmer, Tom Brady, Victor Hugo...Seriously, you guys have to be trolling.
So you've never trained either? Got it
BJJ GOAT Buchecha lost to Reug Reug (ranked #78 HW):

Now imagine what Aspinall would do to Victor Hugo...<{anton}>

In MMA. Real world is different. Tom's dad's gym fake black belt would leave him a corpse
In MMA. Real world is different. Tom's dad's gym fake black belt would leave him a corpse
What magic unavailable to him in MMA do you think Hugo would pull out in the real world?