A PorchRabbit's Road to Redemption


Today was a great day! I smashed my prescribed reps on my 1+ sets for both squat and bench. I even left some in the tank since I didn't have a spotter for either. But it felt great. My noob gains are still coming along nicely! I thought they would have slowed down by now, but they still seem to be increasing just as fast as a few weeks ago.

Core Lifts


Bench Press


-3 Sets of 12

One-Legged BW Squats
-3 Sets of 10

DB Rows
-3 Sets of 6 @95lbs

EZ Bar Curls
-2 Sets of 8 @ 95lbs

Another great day! So far, I have gone through 3 straight cycles without a week 4 deload and its worked well. I killed my push press on the 1+ and I also did well on the deadlift. I think my deadlift form is starting to shape up a bit.

I also made an exciting switch to a real gym. The kind of gym that is in a rented out space without even a locker room. You know, the good kind of gym. This should be interesting. It was almost intimidating being in there since they all are way more experienced and a shit ton stronger than I am. Whereas, I am used to a commercial gym with a bunch of curl-heads.

This is an article that was on elitefts about the gym:


Core Lifts

Push Press



Good Mornings
-3 Sets of 8 @145lbs

Pull Ups
-5 Sets of 3
-4 Sets of 5

Lateral Shoulder Raises
-4 Sets of 6 @25lbs

Hammer Curl
-3 Sets of 6 @45lbs

Core Lifts


Bench Press


-3 Sets of 12

Speed Front Squats
-3 Sets of 8 @185lbs

Kroc Rows
-2 Sets of 12@90lbs
-1 Set of 8 @90lbs

Core Lifts

Push Press



Chin Ups
-5 Sets of 3
-3 Sets of 5

Good Mornings
-3 Sets of 8 @155lbs

Hammer Curls
-3 Sets of 6 @45lbs

Core Lifts


Bench Press


-3 Sets of 12

Kroc Rows
-3 Sets of 12 @90lbs

Core Lifts

Push Press



Pull Ups
-8 Sets of 3

Good Mornings
-3 Sets of 8 @155lbs

Hammer Curls
-3 Sets of 6 @45lbs

I've been a little late posting up these last few work outs. I'm catching up now. This is the work out from this Monday and it went pretty well. I fucking love the 1+ weeks of 531. My favorite week of each month. I am about to leave for my Thursday workout pretty soon, so I will post that up later tonight.

Core Lift


I had no spotter and was using a new and weird rack. So things felt off and I didn't want to push it. But I felt I had the strength for a good 3 reps on the 365.

Bench Press


-3 Sets of 12

Kroc Rows
-3 Sets of 12 @90lbs

Lateral Shoulder Raises
-3 Sets of 2(6) @25lbs

Core Lifts

Push Press



Chin Ups
-10 Sets of 3

Good Mornings
-2 Sets of 8 @155lbs

Hammer Curls
-3 Sets of 8 @45lbs

I am going on now to my 5th straight cycle without a deload. I am a little nervous since I have been feeling a lot weaker in quite a few minor areas, but my main lifts keep improving so I am pushing on. Hopefully it pays off and doesn't catch up to me.

Core Lifts

Power Clean


Bench Press


-2 Sets of 10

Kroc Rows
-2 Sets of 16 @90lbs
-1 Set of 8 @90lbs
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Lots of good work in here. Interesting to see someone with deadlift and squat numbers so close together. For deloads, just listen to your body. When I did 5/3/1 I skipped every other deload and still felt like that was too many deloads.
Lots of good work in here. Interesting to see someone with deadlift and squat numbers so close together. For deloads, just listen to your body. When I did 5/3/1 I skipped every other deload and still felt like that was too many deloads.

Thanks, it's been going as well as I could hope for.

Ya the deadlift and squat numbers have been really irritating me. I see so many people with squat and bench numbers way below me and then they somehow deadlift 100 lbs more than me. I am not sure what the biggest problem is, form or strength. I think it is both since I have a lot of experience with squatting from my Olympic lifting when I squatted 4x a week but never deadlifted. I just started deadlifting for the first time in my life these last three months. I am going to have to get a form video up on here so people can rip it apart for me. It is just frustrating and it makes no sense how I can almost clean as much as I am deadlifting.
Hey guys, any critique on my deadlift form would be much appreciated. Like I have said, I am brand new to deadlifting so it still feels very unnatural to me. I did these two reps at the very end of my workout, which was a mistake. I should have had someone film me during my work sets, but whatever.

I notice that my upper back seems to break early on. How do I address that? Is that more to do with upper back weakness, or weakness of the abs and lower back? I would appreciate any other critique as well.


I am starting to feel a lot more worn out this week than normal. I am not sure if it is due to a needed deload week, or if my noobish gains are just starting to slow down a bit. Either way, this week of deadlift on my 5+ seemed a lot tougher than last weeks heavier set of 1+. My back just completely gave out on me to the point of ending my good mornings after only 1 set.

Core Lifts

Push Press

-325*2 (form check video)


Good Mornings
-1 Set of 8 @145lbs

Chin Ups
-8 Sets of 3

Hammer Curls
-2 Sets of 6 @45lbs

Another good day. I implemented the pyramid variation of 531 to get a little bit more volume in.

Core Lifts


Bench Press


-1 sets of 8
I had to cut these off because they don't have proper equipment for me to do dips without pretty bad pain. The handles are way too close together for my wide ass.

Kroc Rows
-3 Sets of 10 @95lbs
I just did my workout tonight. I changed my form a lot in order to get my hips higher at the start, as well as make sure my shoulders were far enough back. The form felt great! I destroyed my prescribed set and I really think my max shot up over 30 lbs with this new form. So it is probably over 400 now and above my squat at 390.

I was really excited since it felt like my deadlift was that much easier. Then I looked at the video I had someone take. I could have sworn my lower back felt tight and that my spine was in a neutral position, but the video seems to say otherwise. Here are the videos from today, and I am hoping to god that you guys say the lower back is fine, but I am thinking you will all probably say otherwise.


Otherwise I don't know what to do. I can't find any videos online that are geared towards 6'8" guys with looong femurs and incredibly short arms. I tried to get my hips up a lot higher which really seemed to make the deadlift feel a lot easier. But the only way to get my t-rex arms to reach the bar was to drop my upper body. Now, this form really seemed to make me a lot stronger, but I don't know if this lower back position will break my back when I actually up the poundage and go for something that is really heavy for me with this new form.

The workout went well today. My new deadlift form seemed to really make it a lot easier and I really think I increased it by about 30 pounds. But sadly I think I am going to have to change it again since my lower back looks like it was really rounded. I could have sworn if felt like it was in a good and stable position when I performed the reps, though.

I was really sore from the extra reps on Monday, but I continued with the pyramid scheme anyways since I figure I need the extra reps now that I am not doing anything else or training competitively for basketball anymore.

Core Lifts

Push Press

-345*3(form vid)
-315*2(form vid)


Chin Ups
-2 Sets of 3
-6 Sets of 4

Good Mornings
-3 Sets of 8 @155lbs
(This is also why I find it hard to believe my deadlift form looked shitty. Since it has been awhile since I could do my full sets at this weight without my back giving out. But after using this new form, my back was perfectly fine for the good mornings.)

3 Way Shoulder Raises
-3 Sets of 6 @25lbs

My computer is broken so I'm attempting this on a mobile. Since I randomly moved my thurs workout to Wednesday, I had some extra time and decided to lift Friday. I had no plan or organization whatsoever but I figured what the hell.. As long as I'm not overtraining, a little extra work can't hurt. So I just did random lifts and rep schemes that have nothing to do with my 531. But I was kind of happy with my power cleans considering I haven't practiced them for ages.

Core Lifts

Power Cleans

Front Squat

Bench Press
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Today was a great day for squats, but kind of concerning for bench. After today, my estimated max for squat is around 400 or 405. 405 is my pr from last year so I'm really excited to finally start breaking new ground. I really want to attempt 410, but I'm too impatient to put the program on hold. Ill just post a video of 410 once it is my prescribed 1+ in my 531, which shouldn't be more than a month or two the way I've been progressing in my squat. I also actually think I am now stronger than I have ever been at squatting considering I have been beltless this whole time when I was belted last year for my 405. So I am pretty damn excited.

My bench really sucked today. I got the rep but it felt harder than I expected and I cut it off after 1 since I had no spotter. It is pretty weird that my squat responded better to the increased volume from last week but my bench seemed to suffer. Since as far as I know, it is the opposite for most people.

Core Lifts


Bench Press


-3 Sets of 12

Kroc Rows
-3 Sets of 15 @95lbs

Hammer Curls
-3 Sets of 6 @45lbs

Ab Wheel
-2 Sets of 12
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Holy shit... My back has never felt so used up in my life. I did GHRs for the first time after my heavy deadlifts and they killed me. But I think I found my deadlift form! Obviously, I have a lot of perfecting to do but I think I have the base down.

Weirdly enough, my push press really seemed to lack just like my bench did on Monday. I am really perplexed as to why my squat and deadlift seem to be feeling great and responding well to the increased volume, but my upper body lifts like bench and push press are hurting because of the increased volume. Either way, I might take my first reload after this cycle and week.

Core Lifts

Push Press



-3 Sets of 10 @50 lbs

Pull Ups

Ended it here since I pussed out and was thinking I've been overtraining since I've been feeling weaker in a lot of upper body stuff. So basically, pussy.
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