A PorchRabbit's Road to Redemption


Another day of just doing random movements. No real rhyme or reason. But what the hell. I couldn't get my cleans in because some weak pussies were using the platforms for a few hours just so they could deadlift a measly 750 lbs.

Speed Front Squat

Bench Press

Face Pulls
-4 Sets of 12 @ whatever weight the 10 is.

Today felt real rough. I don't know if it was cuz I am a little sick or if I need a reload or what. I still hit my prescribed reps, though. My joints felt like absolute shit on my squats and even on my warm-up run so I knew right away it would be a rough day.

Core Lifts


Bench Press

Another shitty day. My push press has gone to shit somehow and I could only get 3 reps. Dead lift was alright, but not good.

Core Lifts

Push Press



Face Pulls
-4 Sets of 12 @10

Chin Ups
-3 Sets of 4

Hammer Curls
-2 sets of 8 and 1 of 6 @45 lbs
Youve been goin at it hard and heavy for a solid while now, it may be time to deload my son. Give the ol cns and joints a break. Once you come back fresh I think youll be smashing your old PRs in no time

Well today was munched better. I think my problem was the fact I lost 3 lbs in 2 weeks so I wasn't eating enough. Plus, I think my body responded well to the removal of the third workout last week. I think I've learned through my many years of athletics that my body responds better to lower volume. Which really sucks, considering I actually love the act of working out. My impatience got the best of me again as I increased my working max from 400 to 405 today in the middle of my cycle, solely because I didn't want to squat 360 on the last set.

Core lifts

*that last set kicked me in the nads

Bench Press

-3 sets of 10

Kroc Rows
-3 sets of 12 @95lbs

Shoulder raises
-1 set of 10 @25lbs
-1 set of 12 @22.5lbs

Curls for the girls
-2 sets of 6 @45lbs

Today went pretty well. I think it's safe to say it wasn't that I needed a reload, but my problem was that I wasn't eating enough or sleeping well enough. My push press is still pissing me off though. I might switch to SOHP after this cycle. I don't think 531 works very well with push press.

Core Lifts

Push Press



Good Mornings
-3 Sets of 8 @155lbs

Narrow grip chin ups
-7 Sets of 4

Reverse Flyes
-3 Sets of 8 @17.5 lbs

Face pulls
-2 sets of 12 @11
-1 set of 12 @10

Hammer curls
-1 set of 8 @45lbs
-1 set of 6 @45lbs
-1 set of 8 @40lbs

A weird but good day. Squats felt really heavy on my early sets and I thought I would fail the single. But the single didnt feel too heavy and I got it, but it was a real grinder.

Core Lifts


Bench Press


Kroc Rows
-2 sets of 12 @100lbs
-1 set of 10 @100lbs

-2 sets of 10 @bw

Great news. My good buddy used to be a serious powerlifter in high school and set some nebraska record in some division with a 600 lb raw squat and some great deadlift I can't remember. Anyways, he quit lifting for good once he finished college football so he just lent me his inzer knee wraps and ill be able to get his belt as well next week. I'm excited as hell since ill probably be able to smash my 405 pr now.

That will have to probably wait, since I think I'm gonna deload next week. Who knows, though, since it will have to take all of my will power to not start another cycle. I've also been debating wether or not to stop 531 after this deload and go back tony 4 day a week oly program.

Core Lifts

Push Press



Lat Pull Down
-3 sets of 12 @160lbs

Reverse Flyes
-3 sets of 8 @15lbs

Hammer curls for the girls
-3 sets of 7 @45lbs

DB Shrugs
-2 sets of 12 @95lbs

Face Pulls
-3 sets of 12 @10

Nothing to see here folks. Just a deload week. I figured I better do it now since I've competed 18 weeks, or 6 3-week cycles straight. Sucks ass but I figured it would help in the long run.

-Lots of mobility work and stretching


Bench Press


Kroc Rows
-3 sets of 8 @80lbs

-3 sets of 6

I have been slow to log this since I had a shitty day Monday and I was unmotivated to post. I was a lot weaker after my deload. But my session today went a lot better so maybe I just needed to get back into it. It could also be because I went paint balling Sunday and completely bruised myself up. I had bruises everywhere from diving all over the place with no pads. I couldn't even get my weights or reps. I was supposed to finish squat with 5 reps of 355 and bench with 5 reps of 245 and I failed both. I'm going to keep my working max the same for next week and chalk this day as a bad one.

Core Lifts


Bench Press


-3 sets of 10

Kroc Rows
-3 sets of 8@95lbs

I switched out the push press with SOHP. It was all messed up today since I didn't know my max.

Core Lifts




Chin ups
-8 sets of 4

Good mornings

Reverse Flyes
-3 sets of 8@15lbs

Hammer Curls
-2 sets of 8 and 1 set of 6 @45lbs

Face Pulls
-3 sets of 12 @10

Well, I am definitely weaker than when I entered my deload week. I have no idea what it could be. I am using the same squat max of 405 that I smashed last cycle and today was the second squat day of this cycle post-deload that I failed. I got my bench atleast.
I threw in random cleans before my lifts as well.

The weird thing is, my assistance exercises have felt easier and stronger than ever. It is only my main 4 lifts that I have been weaker in. I am at a complete loss.

Core Lift

Power Clean


Bench Press


-4 sets of 10

DB Rows
-3 sets of 10 @95lbs

Skullcrushers and press
-2 sets of 9 @95lbs

Band Pull Aparts
(Just added these and I think I'm in love with this luscious brunette of an exercise)
-6 sets of 12 with various grips
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Core Lifts




Good Mornings

Lat Pulldown

Reverse Flyes
-3 Sets of 8 @15lbs

Hammer Curls

Face Pulls
-2 Sets of 12 @12
Well this sucks. I fucked myself up paint balling this weekend. I have a massive contusion on my hip. I couldn't even walk yesterday. This week is my 1+ week so I'm thinking ill be fucked, but I felt a lot better today so hopefully ill be able to push through it tomorrow.

Today was not a good day number wise, but I was pretty satisfied with myself after the workout. I dropped my squat from 385 to 365 because my hip was hurting incredibly bad and the weight felt very heavy. But I was happy with myself after squatting 365 and pushing through the pain. I cut it off after that set because I figured it wasn't too smart to push myself hard with the kind of pain I was in. I am just happy I got somewhat of a workout in.

Core Lifts


Bench Press


-3 Sets of 10

DB Rows
-3 Sets of 10 @95lbs

Shoulder Raises
-3 Sets of 12 @20lbs

Band Pulls
-5 Sets of 12

Today was really satisfying for me considering my limp hip. I got all my prescribed reps and then some for extra volume. I also switched to sumo instead of conventional and I think sumo will be my primary pulling from now on. I'm lifting more lbs with the sumo do to my stork legs.

Core Lifts


Sumo Dead


Oddly enough, I felt strong today in my main lifts, but weak as shit on my assistance. Normally, it's the other way around.

I also cut out the good mornings and other lower body stuff to give my wounds some rest.

Chin ups
-2 sets of 4
-4 sets of 8 assisted deficit things

Reverse Flyes
-2 sets of 8 @15lbs

Hammer curls
-2 sets of 6 and 8 @45&35 lbs

Bad day, but I got a lot of work in. I don't know what is wrong with me. I don't know if I am overtrained or undertrained, if my hip is still the problem, or if my weight loss is the culprit. I am only 1 lb less than I was last week so it is not like I am on a huge deficit. Either way, I am weaker and weaker ever since I took that deload a cycle ago. I failed all my 85% weights. Not sure why, but I have been really struggling to get the reps on all of my 5+ weeks for the last few cycles.

I really think part of my problem is a lack of any exercise besides lifting. Ever since I moved to this new gym about 3 months ago, I have yet to do any conditioning work. I only lift now and I think that is hurting me. I think I have historically done the best in the weight room when I am well-rounded and in good shape. I need to find a way to start conditioning again, because I don't think I have ever been so out of shape in my life. I probably couldn't even run a mile under 8 minutes right now without my heart exploding.

Core Lifts


Bench Press


Incline Row
-3 Sets of 8 @90lbs


Band Pull Aparts
-4 Sets of 15

Kettlebell Shrugs
-2 Sets of 10

Alright day. Felt great on the sumo. I really my body is meant for the sumo rather than conventional. I definitely pull more weight with the sumo. I felt weak with my auxiliary lifts, however.

Core Lifts


Sumo Deadlift


Chin ups
-6 sets of 3

Hammer Curls
-3 sets of 6

Lat Pulldowns
-2 sets of 8 @140lbs

Lateral shoulder raise
-2 sets of 8 @22.5 lbs

Face Pulls
-3 sets of 12 @10

Today was a fun day. I just got my rehband knee sleeves so I was excited to squat in them. I'm still waiting on the belt, however. The knee sleeves really felt good. I'm really happy with the purchase. I'm a little concerned about my hip. I think I might have a problem with my hip flexor due to squatting after that hip contusion from awhile back. I started to notice some unusual discomfort in my groin/hip flexor a week or two ago. Today, on my last set of a light 275, I cut it off after only 2 reps. It started to hurt and make a very weird clicking feeling up on my groin/hip flexor.

So I am a little concerned, but my trip to Canada tomorrow came at the right time. I won't be doing anything but BW stuff while I am gone, so I will be able to rest my hip until next Monday.

Core Lifts

-365*3 (last rep was a real grinder)

Bench Press


Close grip bench

Trap bar deadlift

DB Rows
-2 set of 8 @100lbs

I reset my training maxes since I have been stalling for so long now. I am also moving to a three day split, instead of two. I was upset my belt didn't arrive today. Today was the day it was supposed to be here and I was psyched to squat with it, but oh well.

Core Lifts


Bench Press


Chin Ups
-4 Sets of 4

-BW 4 Sets of 10

Band Pulls
-5 Sets of 15

Cable Flyes
-3 Sets of 12 @7