Locked AEW CXIII : It's Wednesday , Where's the Thread

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Just tuned in to ROH Zero Hour. It was on a hype video for Lee Johnson vs. Kyle Fletcher for the TV title later, then they move to a match with Griff Garrison and Cole Karter vs. Angelico and Serpentico. Griff, Karter, Angelico, Serpentico, Lee Johnson, this is AEW Dark, you can't fool me @TonyKhan!
Just read Kyle Fletcher retained. Guess they gotta make sure he still has an ROH title every time he eats a pin on AEW TV.
I’m talking about the ppv in roughly 2
Dynasty? Hopefully things will have calmed down by then.

If I no show then you gotta call me The Boys
Just read Kyle Fletcher retained. Guess they gotta make sure he still has an ROH title every time he eats a pin on AEW TV.
For whatever reason they dropped the Ethan Page story after they had him go on a win streak. Wouldve been an easy move for Fletcher to AEW like they want and try to rebuild Page in ROH with the title.
I hope when Juice comes back they get back to more of the early on pack mentality of win at all costs and beat down anyone even if its borderline cowardly.
Just saw on Twitter that Bennett and Taven retained the tag titles in their first ROH match in 3 months. Tony continuing to book guys who eat pins on AEW TV regularly and don't actually wrestle on the ROH show to still carry ROH championships for some reason.
Kyle Fletcher wore Skye Blue style makeup tonight, what a dork <lmao>

Should Christopher Daniels get more heat for the disfunction in AEW?
Do we need to see Christopher Daniels matches?
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