AEW Full Gear 2023 Official PPV Discussion Thread

The hardcore weapon blitz matches have their place (and fans) but in general I lose interest when the glass, tacks, staples, pizza cutters, light tubes and other objects come out. It happens too much and makes the schtick go from unique and oh my god to seeming like a crutch. I know some people love it and I don't fault them, everyone gets to like whatever they like about wrestling and clearly some people go gaga for this stuff. But for me it will never be something that makes a match better.

I'm not a fan of it when they do it for the sake of doing it or do it for a match that has no build. In the case of Swerve vs. Hangman though it was much needed. It was a blood feud and the feud had to escalate to blood. It was no bullshit you know is gimmicked like light tubes either, it was two guys who hate each other trying to hurt each other. No shot Swerve vs. Hangman should've had a standard wrestling match after the way their feud escalated and I think in certain matches these weapons do make a match better, it just needs to be a match where the weapons make sense. Swerve vs. Hangman they made sense and the way they did the spots made sense. They didn't just trade shots with weapons for the sake of doing it like a lot of wrestlers do, they basically told a story in the match while doing it.
I'm not a fan of it when they do it for the sake of doing it or do it for a match that has no build. In the case of Swerve vs. Hangman though it was much needed. It was a blood feud and the feud had to escalate to blood. It was no bullshit you know is gimmicked like light tubes either, it was two guys who hate each other trying to hurt each other. No shot Swerve vs. Hangman should've had a standard wrestling match after the way their feud escalated and I think in certain matches these weapons do make a match better, it just needs to be a match where the weapons make sense. Swerve vs. Hangman they made sense and the way they did the spots made sense. They didn't just trade shots with weapons for the sake of doing it like a lot of wrestlers do, they basically told a story in the match while doing it.

The guy broke into his house and cut a promo over his baby while salivating like a demented psycho. What are they gonna do have a 60 minute mat classic after that under Ring of Honor rules? Lmao
I'm not a fan of it when they do it for the sake of doing it or do it for a match that has no build. In the case of Swerve vs. Hangman though it was much needed. It was a blood feud and the feud had to escalate to blood. It was no bullshit you know is gimmicked like light tubes either, it was two guys who hate each other trying to hurt each other. No shot Swerve vs. Hangman should've had a standard wrestling match after the way their feud escalated and I think in certain matches these weapons do make a match better, it just needs to be a match where the weapons make sense. Swerve vs. Hangman they made sense and the way they did the spots made sense. They didn't just trade shots with weapons for the sake of doing it like a lot of wrestlers do, they basically told a story in the match while doing it.
I can support that. I fully admit that I haven't been watching week to week and didn't see the full PPV match.
If it fits into the story line and is used sparingly then I can see it working.
My issue is when it's not needed or doesn't make sense.
The last Blood and Guts match essentially jumped the shark and I actually turned it off and didn't finish the match when Moxley hit the ring with a fork and quickly dumped a bag of broken glass on the mat.
I feel like they miss the whole point of a War Games match.
The CAGE is the weapon.
The odd man advantages create the dangerous situations.
You don't need a bunch of other "gaga" in there.

If these guys are actually being scarred by this stuff I'd just rather that they don't do it.
Good matches and stories should create enough action, anticipation and suspense on their own.
The over the top weapons stuff feels like an attempt to replace those things (in many cases).

That being said I get that there is a segment of the fan base that probably loves this stuff.
It's just not for me.