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  • Jamahal by Deceision

  • Jamahal by KO

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Po Atan
Nov 24, 2022
Reaction score
First of all, let me just say that Alex Pereira was not "fast tracked" to a title.
Alex was a proven Glory MW and LHW Champion, for many years.
He was not some 22-year-old boy "just starting out" ... with no track record ... so there was no need for Alex to "face everyone in the division" like he was some greenhorn ...

Alex had a few MMA fights, then a few UFC fights, all non-contenders, and then he beat the #5 MW contender (and, now, current MW Champion) Sean Strickland, KO'ing his ass.

After the Izzy loss, and due to Dana White pushing Alex to move up, Alex then immediately challenged the #3 LHW contender (and former LHW Champion) Jan Błachowicz, beating his ass.

The UFC would be crazy to waste a talent like Pereira, a proven Champion, in the twilight of his "window of opportunity," by having him face several palookas.

All of us have been enriched by Alex Pereira, a true fighter, a true sportsman, and a stoic professional in- and out-of the cage.

I actually believe Alex is the most talked about MMA fighter today ...

That said, the Jamahal Hill fight is interesting.
Hill actually has 0 previous fighting experience, and only began his MMA career 6 years ago.
He actually looks a little fat, and has a "tennis ball head" sitting atop a pencil neck.

However, despite Hill's lack of overall experience, compared to Pereira, Jamahal seems to be a dog.
Loves to fight, is unafraid, and he seems to have legit one-punch KO power himself.
Hill is also is very quick.

To me, Hill's greatest assets against Pereira are his speed, sneaky counter-hooks, and his lllooonnnggg right cross (Pereira's nemesis w/ Izzy).

For Alex Pereira be considered "the legit" LHW Champion, he has to beat Jamahal Hill.

On Pereira's side, he has a far more multi-dimensional set of kickboxing tools than Hill.
Pereira's leg kicks, his switch-knees, his clinch work, and (of course) his fabled left hook are all elements that can put Jamahal Hill down on the ground, for good.
Also, Pereira's experience (maybe not the UFC, but overall) in "going the distance" — especially in title fights — are also far greater than the comparative-novice, Hill's.

I've got Pereira, by 3rd-round KO.

Who you got?
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That’s a tough one to call. I think for Hill it is necessary to establish the takedown threat to slow down Alex’s striking game. Jiri and Jan were both able to have some good moments on the feet, in large part to establishing the takedown. I think if hill comes to bang on the feet, he will get caught eventually. Strickland came to bang and Alex was able to open up with 3-4 shots at a time and found the KO. Pereira’s leg kicks also are godly. I picked hill by KO but I’m not super confident in that pick. Either way, this is one of the fights I’m most hyped for
That’s a tough one to call. I think for Hill it is necessary to establish the takedown threat to slow down Alex’s striking game. Jiri and Jan were both able to have some good moments on the feet, in large part to establishing the takedown. I think if hill comes to bang on the feet, he will get caught eventually. Strickland came to bang and Alex was able to open up with 3-4 shots at a time and found the KO. Pereira’s leg kicks also are godly. I picked hill by KO but I’m not super confident in that pick. Either way, this is one of the fights I’m most hyped for


Each fighter has the ability to KO the other.

Jamahal is aggressive and, seemingly, fearless ... but so was Procházka — until he faced Alex.

Standing in front of that giant man, with incredible skills, savvy, and power just "seems different" for his foes ... and they all get caught eventually.
Its a tricky fight for Alex, he doesnt have the best chin and Hill has power plus is fast with an iron chin. If he can somehow tank Poatan's best shots its gonna be a long night.

From a technique perspective, Hill is a southpaw so the calf kick and left hook will be harder to find, BUT it seems he likes to switch to orthodox alot so he can fire the 1-2 from there and that is Poatan's main weakness. Really intriguing fight
Alex via achilles kicks
Its a tricky fight for Alex, he doesnt have the best chin and Hill has power plus is fast with an iron chin. If he can somehow tank Poatan's best shots its gonna be a long night.

From a technique perspective, Hill is a southpaw so the calf kick and left hook will be harder to find, BUT it seems he likes to switch to orthodox alot so he can fire the 1-2 from there and that is Poatan's main weakness. Really intriguing fight

It's a tricky fight for both.

I don't think Hill has "an iron chin," I just think he has landed on other people first.

Hill is going to get tagged by Alex, and then we can decide if he has "an iron chin" ...

Agree with your last sentence, that Hill's southpaw stance might nullify Pereira's calf kick — but Hill's best chance is his right cross — which means he has to fight orthodox ... opening himself up to Pereira's calf kick.

Definitely an intriguing fight!
Poatan hasn't really faced someone that can put him on his ass yet. I don't think Hill is that guy either. Alex by late K).
Hill is good but he is way too hot headed, he could defo catch Pereira with something but Alex would still be my favorite, especially if the fight was to take place next year
I think Hill's MMA fight IQ is far far higher than Alex's but Poatan has the best leg kicks in the sport (easy btw).

Hill's weapons are really underrated though he has big big bite.

I need this fight lowkey

Alex has faced 40 elite Glory kickboxers, and won 2 World Championships.

Nobody in the UFC has faced the level of striking Alex has faced and already conquered.
Me thinks he's not talking about strikers, but wrestlers/grapplers.

40 elite Glory kickboxers ain't that.