Brad Katona: Michael Chandler is a bully

Tony Agrees ;)


He's a good fighter, but I wonder if he's on the spectrum or something; he's so awkward speaking
I think that's a given. I mean he's a Canadian who lives in Ireland and speaks in some weird made up accent that doesn't exist literally anywhere other than Brad Katona's 46 pound head. He doesn't seem like a bad person, but he def doesn't seem like someone I'd want to hangout with. The team switching was some ho shit.
I think that's a given. I mean he's a Canadian who lives in Ireland and speaks in some weird made up accent that doesn't exist literally anywhere other than Brad Katona's 46 pound head. He doesn't seem like a bad person, but he def doesn't seem like someone I'd want to hangout with. The team switching was some ho shit.
He sounds like a Newfie. Apparently he’s from Winnipeg though. I’m guessing at some point he lived in Newfoundland they have a very Irish sounding accent.
He sounds like a Newfie. Apparently he’s from Winnipeg though. I’m guessing at some point he lived in Newfoundland they have a very Irish sounding accent.
To me he sounds like a deaf person speaking. I don't hear any type of accent.. just a straight up speech impediment.
Speaking as a fellow awkward weirdo loser, I kinda feel for the guy. I don't think I'd hang out with him. But hey good for him for winning. The other dudes on the show said some bad stuff about him, for sure. And maybe that stuff is true. On the other hand as an awkward weirdo loser, I know what it's like to not really get along with a bunch of alpha jocks.

Aside from which, from a pure production perspective of the show, they never successfully turned him into "the bad guy". Which either means that 1) He didn't really do anything too bad because they would have played up that footage to make him the villian or 2) The producers of TUF are incompetent.
#2 is not impossible, of course, but I kinda feel like it's #1.

His accent thing is weird though, I'll give ya that.