End of the line for Volk

Every single dominant fighter with a massive win streak that loses one fight always ends up dead after that loss

I don’t know if it’s a mental thing or what but it always happens

The Woodley effect
Age never helps the situation but getting steamrolled in his previous fight is a huge negative. You lose your mental edge and you begin to doubt yourself. Being brutally finished is never a good thing
With all due respect he should just retire. Had a great career, nothing left to prove.
I agree. I'd love to have him calling fights or something. He's a great dude, but he's lost two in a row by KO and is 35. Time to hang them up so people don't remember you for the end of your career more than the peak of it (see: Ferguson, Tony).
He needs a few easy fights.

Feed him Brian Ortega again win or lose vs Yair. I want to see that beatdown again.

Volks best assest was range control, not sure how he maintains something so dependent on reaction time at 36/7. Think his time as a contender is over. Fun fights, sure but I think this is end of Volk
City Kickboxing should take a whole year off
He was getting blitzed and left his chin wide open and looked to try to tie up with ilia instead of defending

Not sure what happened to the high guard volk used to use all the time. He was relying too much on footwork and head movement for defense, but in the pocket like that he should have put his damn guard up.