Is it really that big of a deal to avoid seed oil?


Black Belt
Nov 23, 2020
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Provided you avoid doing your own cooking with seed oils, does it really make a big difference in your health if you buy certain items like peanut butter, or oat milk that have no seed oils but are significantly more expensive? Or do you think it's not really worth it to pay that much extra money for seed oil free items?
Expensive seed oils are still seed oils. Depends how important your health is to you and what dogma you subscribe to. Personally the only things I cook in are coconut oil, avocado oil, and sometimes butter and tallow. I think seed oils are a fairly big deal.
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Yeah not a fan. Olive oil, avocado, coconut, ghee is the way to go
Olive oil and avocado oil are by far the most healthy right? I figure olive oil is the best choice then since I already include avocados in my diet but don't do the same for olives
Olive oil and avocado oil are by far the most healthy right? I figure olive oil is the best choice then since I already include avocados in my diet but don't do the same for olives
Red palm oil is actually the top tier. Id say it’s tied with olive oil. I’d say avocado is definitely #3
I wouldn't touch corn oil, soybean oil, "vegetable oil" (usually canola) or canola oil. It's linoeic acid that was found to be inflammatory and cause oxidation in studies. You can google the fatty acid profile of each seed oil and from that see which ones are the problem. Olive oil has a little bit of linoeic acid but it's primarily oleic acid so I'm not worried about it. Avocado oil is like olive oil in that it contains a little of linoeic, but it can handle heat better. For high heat applications you also have butter (e.g. baking) or beef tallow. Technically coconut oil can handle the heat too but it has a strong flavour that tends to affect what you cook, at least the virgin version.

I'll never understand people who go to the grocery store and grab a literally 1$ bottle of "vegetable oil." For starters you shouldn't be eating large quantities of oil, a bottle should last a while, so you may as well pay a little bit more and get something that has some level of quality. The 1$ oil people deserve whatever they get.
Oils gotta be natural. Just the extracted fat from the plant. Not processed in unnatural unhealthy ways. I use virgin olive oil and virgin coconut oil. If eating out then whatever.
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yes, unless you enjoy cheaply made oils causing massive inflammation in your body. i made the change as much as possible where i could, and feel a total difference in health.
nut and seed oils are fine

It's not nuts and seeds it's what done with them to get the final product. Something a fast food chain can use to fry 30 servings of fries before they change it. Try doing that with a decent oil, and it will be burnt after the second serving like it naturally is supposed to.

It's just a cheap mass product.

I eat it too. But just sometimes and never if I'm cooking myself.
beef tallow, butter & bacon grease :x. I have an oil extractor to extract from seeds & nuts, oil quality is WAY different from bottled stuff.
Half the people who preach against consuming seed oils are injecting steroids that are suspended in seed oils.
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The panic about seed oil is stupid and a just another fake influencer trend (linked to the stupid carnivor diet) pushed by complete frauds like Paul Saladino.

There is no scientfic heatlh data to support their claims.

If anything, vegetal oils rich in polyunsaturated fats are rather beneficial for cardiovascular health as long as they are not hydrogenated.
vegetal oils rich in polyunsaturated fats are rather beneficial for cardiovascular health as long as they are not hydrogenated.
Any examples ? Love EVOO, others have such a bad rap, is that hype? T I A.
Any examples ? Love EVOO, others have such a bad rap, is that hype? T I A.
Ideally you want to look at a ratio of omega6/omega3 of 2:1. The more omega 3 the better.
Unlike what is said by health inlfuencer, canola oil is one of the best in that regard. Other good ones are chia seed, flaxseed, walnut. Olive oil is OK.

What is recommended is avoiding to eat deep fried food, regardless of oils.
Ideally you want to look at a ratio of omega6/omega3 of 2:1. The more omega 3 the better.
Unlike what is said by health inlfuencer, canola oil is one of the best in that regard. Other good ones are chia seed, flaxseed, walnut. Olive oil is OK.

What is recommended is avoiding to eat deep fried food, regardless of oils.

I have not seen the panic at medical conferences (metabolic syndrome, liver disease, gastro) related to seed oils. Saturated and hydrogenated fats are frequently brought up. So is fried food because of high temperature cooking and formation of AGEs.

Simply put, don't eat fried foods. or high temperature grilled foods (char marks).

Advanced glycation end products (AGEs) are proteins or lipids that become glycated after exposure to sugars. AGEs are prevalent in the diabetic vasculature and contribute to the development of atherosclerosis. The presence and accumulation of AGEs in many different cell types affect extracellular and intracellular structure and function. AGEs contribute to a variety of microvascular and macrovascular complications through the formation of cross-links between molecules in the basement membrane of the extracellular matrix and by engaging the receptor for advanced glycation end products (RAGE). Activation of RAGE by AGEs causes upregulation of the transcription factor nuclear factor-κB and its target genes. Soluble AGEs activate monocytes, and AGEs in the basement membrane inhibit monocyte migration. AGE-bound RAGE increases endothelial permeability to macromolecules. AGEs block nitric oxide activity in the endothelium and cause the production of reactive oxygen species. Because of the emerging evidence about the adverse effects of AGEs on the vasculature of patients with diabetes, a number of different therapies to inhibit AGEs are under investigation.