Is it really that big of a deal to avoid seed oil?

I have not seen the panic at medical conferences (metabolic syndrome, liver disease, gastro) related to seed oils. Saturated and hydrogenated fats are frequently brought up. So is fried food because of high temperature cooking and formation of AGEs.

Simply put, don't eat fried foods. or high temperature grilled foods (char marks).

Advanced glycation end products (AGEs) are proteins or lipids that become glycated after exposure to sugars. AGEs are prevalent in the diabetic vasculature and contribute to the development of atherosclerosis. The presence and accumulation of AGEs in many different cell types affect extracellular and intracellular structure and function. AGEs contribute to a variety of microvascular and macrovascular complications through the formation of cross-links between molecules in the basement membrane of the extracellular matrix and by engaging the receptor for advanced glycation end products (RAGE). Activation of RAGE by AGEs causes upregulation of the transcription factor nuclear factor-κB and its target genes. Soluble AGEs activate monocytes, and AGEs in the basement membrane inhibit monocyte migration. AGE-bound RAGE increases endothelial permeability to macromolecules. AGEs block nitric oxide activity in the endothelium and cause the production of reactive oxygen species. Because of the emerging evidence about the adverse effects of AGEs on the vasculature of patients with diabetes, a number of different therapies to inhibit AGEs are under investigation.
Do they even advocate fasting and ketogenic diets though? Both are basic and effective remedies for the 3 ailments you mentioned: metabolic syndrome, liver disease, gastro

Seems like they always recommend more pills for everything instead of natural homeopathic remedies that they can't bill for.
A large percent of olive oils are fake.

I read somewhere about a year ago that coconut oil is unhealthy.

I also heard that unsalted butter is made with higher quality cream than unsalted butter. I now get unsalted butter and add a lil salt.

I read recently that MSG is actually not as bad as we think. I still don't trust it.

A weird one os calcium chloride. I see it in almost every cheese. If you look hard you can find cheese without it.

Greek Yogurt often has a thickening agent like corn starch or another hard to pronounce ingredient. Make sure your Greek yogurt does not have a thickener added.
Do they even advocate fasting and ketogenic diets though? Both are basic and effective remedies for the 3 ailments you mentioned: metabolic syndrome, liver disease, gastro

Seems like they always recommend more pills for everything instead of natural homeopathic remedies that they can't bill for.

Of course. Diet is the number one target. Metformin is the only drug that is uniformly agreed upon. semagutide and bariatric surgeries are a huge areas of focus. They also do familial fecal transplants to introduce the right microbiome into obese/nash patients.

Look up the disease management guidelines of EASL and AASLD for MASLD.

Metabolic syndrome is almost entirely derived from eating too much, high blood sugar leading to insulin resistance and fatty liver. Once the liver is engulfed in Kumpfer cells secreting pro-inflammatory agonists, you're fucked.
A large percent of olive oils are fake.

I read somewhere about a year ago that coconut oil is unhealthy.

I also heard that unsalted butter is made with higher quality cream than unsalted butter. I now get unsalted butter and add a lil salt.

Apparently olive oil is one of the biggest revenue generators for organized crime in Italy.

Try to find European style unsalted butter. Higher butterfat and less fuckery in processing.
Never knew olive oil could be an inflammatory.

When you're inflamed, do you know you are? Meaning, you didnt do anything to trigger it?
Metformin is the only drug that is uniformly agreed upon. semagutide and bariatric surgeries are a huge areas of focus. They also do familial fecal transplants to introduce the right microbiome into obese/nash patients.

Look up the disease management guidelines of EASL and AASLD for MASLD.

Metabolic syndrome is almost entirely derived from eating too much, high blood sugar leading to insulin resistance and fatty liver. Once the liver is engulfed in Kumpfer cells secreting pro-inflammatory agonists, you're f'd.

Great info, thanks for adding!​
Of course. Diet is the number one target. Metformin is the only drug that is uniformly agreed upon. semagutide and bariatric surgeries are a huge areas of focus. They also do familial fecal transplants to introduce the right microbiome into obese/nash patients.

Look up the disease management guidelines of EASL and AASLD for MASLD.

Metabolic syndrome is almost entirely derived from eating too much, high blood sugar leading to insulin resistance and fatty liver. Once the liver is engulfed in Kumpfer cells secreting pro-inflammatory agonists, you're fucked.
That's encouraging to hear things are changing. I still see too many overweight people taking a lot of different medications and, of the ones I've spoken to, they've never heard about fasting or anti-inflammatory diets from their doctor.
That's encouraging to hear things are changing. I still see too many overweight people taking a lot of different medications and, of the ones I've spoken to, they've never heard about fasting or anti-inflammatory diets from their doctor.

Most hepatologists and endocrinologists that treat metabolic syndrome involve obesity clinics in their practice. Nutrition and diet are a whole section of hepatology meetings.

Calico restriction is number 1 thing that is pushed. The SAR is unambiguous, all cause mortality drops with caloric restriction. The Mediterranean diet has been effective in every population. Before anyone gets a bariatric procedure they have to demonstrate weight loss through caloric restriction. 800kcal/day on Optifast is a pretty common approach pre bariatric procedure. Semagutide is becoming a standard use therapeutic.

There are a lot of studies on IF but no dramatic results that decouple from caloric restriction.

There are no magic bullets except for GLP-1.
they've never heard about fasting or anti-inflammatory diets from their doctor.
The Mediterranean diet has been effective in every population. Before anyone gets a bariatric procedure they have to demonstrate weight loss through caloric restriction. 800kcal/day on Optifast is a pretty common approach pre bariatric procedure.

Zero question - eliminate ALL processed foods, sugar, and alcohol will help the most !
Zero question - eliminate ALL processed foods, sugar, and alcohol will help the most !

Yup alcohol is a killer (literally). The general talk about processed foods in the metabolic space is that if the food is designed to las on the shelf for a long time and be cheap to manufacture then it probably hits 4 of the 'processed foods' check boxes.

If anyone is interested, here is the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases guideline for managing fatty liver disease (metabolic associated fatty liver).


NAFLD is closely linked to and often precedes the development of metabolic abnormalities (insulin resistance, dyslipidemia, central obesity, and hypertension).47,61,75–77 Having several metabolic abnormalities confers an even greater risk of histological progression of NASH and all-cause mortality.8,47,78–81 The association between NAFLD and metabolic comorbidities may also reflect bidirectional interactions between the liver and other endocrine organs (eg, pancreas, adipose tissue, muscle) through the secretion of hepatokines that regulate fatty acid metabolism, insulin action, and glucose metabolism,82–88 adipokines, and myokines.39,89,90


The presence and severity of obesity are associated with NAFLD and disease progression.91–93 Body fat distribution is an important determinant of the contributory role of obesity in NAFLD (Table 1). Android body fat distribution, characterized by increased truncal subcutaneous fat and visceral fat confers a higher risk of insulin resistance, CVD, and hepatic fibrosis, irrespective of body mass index (BMI).94–99 In contrast, gynoid body fat distribution, characterized by increased subcutaneous body fat predominantly in the hips or buttocks, appears to be protective against NAFLD.39,100 Visceral fat, which is more metabolically active and inflammatory than subcutaneous fat, mediates the majority of this risk.101–105 As adipose tissue becomes more metabolically stressed, dysfunctional, and inflamed, insulin signaling is progressively impaired, promoting the inappropriate release of fatty acids leading to intrahepatic lipid accumulation and inflammation.47,106,107