Jones is destroying heavyweight

Tom Aspinall has shown the skills to potentially be the Stipe Miocic of this generation of heavyweight. But Jones has been sitting on the title for over a year and refuses to fight him. Imagine if Werdum had ducked Stipe for two years and then retired without ever facing him. Stipe would not have set the title defense record and not be considered UFC GOAT heavyweight. He would just be another guy who got the belt one time. Jones is screwing over every active heavyweight in the top 5 from having a legacy of their own.
Are you kidding me? Black Beast should be champ? Give me a break. Jones is out there destroying the division, and you're crying about Black Beast? The guy can't even string two wins together without gassing out and you want him as champ? That's hilarious.

Jones is screwing over Black Beast? More like he's exposing the entire heavyweight division for the lazy, overpaid slackers they are. Beast beat the last person who beat Aspinall? Who cares? Aspinall's barely proven himself, and you're acting like beating him is the golden ticket. This is the kind of garbage logic that makes this sport a joke sometimes.

Black Beast couldn't handle Jones on his best day. The guy's a walking meme, not a serious contender. Get real. Jones is the only one bringing any legitimacy to this division right now. Deal with it.
Are you kidding me? Black Beast should be champ? Give me a break. Jones is out there destroying the division, and you're crying about Black Beast? The guy can't even string two wins together without gassing out and you want him as champ? That's hilarious.

Jones is screwing over Black Beast? More like he's exposing the entire heavyweight division for the lazy, overpaid slackers they are. Beast beat the last person who beat Aspinall? Who cares? Aspinall's barely proven himself, and you're acting like beating him is the golden ticket. This is the kind of garbage logic that makes this sport a joke sometimes.

Black Beast couldn't handle Jones on his best day. The guy's a walking meme, not a serious contender. Get real. Jones is the only one bringing any legitimacy to this division right now. Deal with it.
Everything you said had nothing to do with what you replied to. Good job.