Kettlebell workout progress

Have a bunch of cast style. Never understood the need to spent 3x as much on a competition. Until it made sense.

Well I paid the prices in the OP, which are at least reasonable in comparison to cast-iron when compared to other brands.

I figure if I'm paying for equipment I'm going to be using for decades, those prices are well worth it.

1 hand takes up 75% of handle so there's not much room for 8 fingers
Trying to stay in the swing , KBs have been great at hitting core when you're limited on what you can pickup

Pretty much this.

The cast-iron kettlebell seem like they were designed for one hand each, which sounds alright if you're planning on doing doubles.

But the competition kettlebells seem to fit in my hand better, with one hand or two each.
Next workout is going to be on Friday morning after a 36 hour break. Going to try for 20 straight sets before only one break.

Workout 4 Week 1 -

Well I made it to 16 straight sets and only had one break. Did the last 10 sets straight. I'm timing my breaks now to last 2.5 minutes instead of indefinitely like the prior times.

I initially planned on adding the 5 pound plates after 2 weeks but I'm making a change for whenever I'm able to do all 25 sets straight. That's gonna be a bitch.
I didn't document my 1st workout of Week 2 here because I was ashamed.

I gassed out repeatedly, taking at least 5 breaks much longer than 2.5 minutes each. It took me damn near a hour to do the 25 sets that usually take me 32 minutes.

So imagine my shock when on my 2nd workout of Week 2 I needed no breaks at all, not only doing 25 straight sets, but doing 28 sets straight.

The only explanation is I was extremely exhausted on Saturday after the 500 swings workout, a hour break, and then 15 minutes of cleans & presses. I only slept once between that and the 1st workout of Week 2 but I thought it would be enough because there was around 36 hours between the workouts.

Between Workouts 1 & 2 I had slept twice, not including a hour nap. In the 2nd workout I wasn't counting the sets until damn near the end, and I figured I could do a few more after 25 and ended up doing 28.

Always thought if the time between the workouts was consistent, on a schedule, that'd make up for my hectic sleep schedule. But guess I figured out how important sleep is for recovery.

If my 3rd workout of the week is like this one I'm going to be shocked.
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I didn't document my 1st workout of Week 2 here because I was ashamed.

I gassed out repeatedly, taking at least 5 breaks much longer than 2.5 minutes each. It took me damn near a hour to do the 25 sets that usually take me 32 minutes.

So imagine my shock when on my 2nd workout of Week 2 I needed no breaks at all, not only doing 25 straight sets, but doing 28 sets straight.

The only explanation is I was extremely exhausted on Saturday after the 500 swings workout, a hour break, and then 15 minutes of cleans & presses. I only slept once between that and the 1st workout of Week 2 but I thought it would be enough because there was around 36 hours between the workouts.

Between Workouts 1 & 2 I had slept twice, not including a hour nap. In the 2nd workout I wasn't counting the sets until damn near the end, and I figured I could do a few more after 25 and ended up doing 28.

Always thought if the time between the workouts was consistent, on a schedule, that'd make up for my hectic sleep schedule. But guess I figured out how important sleep is for recovery.

If my 3rd workout of the week is like this one I'm going to be shocked.
Have you done any weigh ins or anything
Have you done any weigh ins or anything

To be honest I haven't been eating as well as I should.

Not eating all junk food but mostly healthy, with a protein shake with eggs.

Had a damn donut before working out today.
Starting the 10k challenge today. 35 swings with the 32kg, 15 with the 40kg. 10 rounds. Although I just did a set of 50 with the 32kg and aside from some grip burn, wasn't very challenging.

Not trying to steal your shine. This is just the fastest way I know to improve body composition and fitness. Those heavy deadlifts and squats have obviously paid dividends because 32kg doesn't feel bad at all. In fact the only issue I ran into towards the end of my workout was the skin on my fingers beginning to bind up at the knuckles.
Not trying to steal your shine. This is just the fastest way I know to improve body composition and fitness. Those heavy deadlifts and squats have obviously paid dividends because 32kg doesn't feel bad at all. In fact the only issue I ran into towards the end of my workout was the skin on my fingers beginning to bind up at the knuckles.

I'm just teasing ya. :)

As I said pages ago I'm taking this slow and making sure I'm at no risk of a stress injury in my back.

My goal for 10K swings with the 50 pounder is very achievable for the first time doing one of these month-long goals.
If you close your eyes, does the rep count?
Half of them are closed, open them to check make sure kid or dog didn't run in room.
If you close your eyes, does the rep count?
Half of them are closed, open them to check make sure kid or dog didn't run in room.
Yeah still counts. Hit some sets of 25 each arm one handed with 32kg. I really hope all this grip work doesn't give me carpal tunnel in the future.

Tagging you since you're the only one also doing swings.

Just did my 2nd workout of Week 3, and I'm falling behind because of my new work schedule but I'm determined to complete the challenge on time.

I just did a 2-workout-in-1, with 660 total swings rather than just 500, and since I only been able to do 1 workout in the last 5 days I decided to test myself since I'm very well rested.

No extended breaks. At all.
33 straight sets. 20 reps each.
41 minutes straight.
And I wasn't even dying at the end.
I didn't want to completely exhaust myself, in the hopes I won't gas out for tomorrow's and Saturday's workouts.

And to think it was like 2 weeks ago I was wondering if I could eventually do 1 workout, 16 sets in 20 minutes with the 50-pounder, without any breaks. I just shattered that.

Now I'm curious if I can eventually do an entire hour.

Tagging you since you're the only one also doing swings.

Just did my 2nd workout of Week 3, and I'm falling behind because of my new work schedule but I'm determined to complete the challenge on time.

I just did a 2-workout-in-1, with 660 total swings rather than just 500, and since I only been able to do 1 workout in the last 5 days I decided to test myself since I'm very well rested.

No extended breaks. At all.
33 straight sets. 20 reps each.
41 minutes straight.
And I wasn't even dying at the end.
I didn't want to completely exhaust myself, in the hopes I won't gas out for tomorrow's and Saturday's workouts.

And to think it was like 2 weeks ago I was wondering if I could eventually do 1 workout, 16 sets in 20 minutes with the 50-pounder, without any breaks. I just shattered that.

Now I'm curious if I can eventually do an entire hour.
Good work dude. I think you'll be able to do the whole hour.
Good headsup on those Relife comp bells. 2 of them are now in arsenal. Excellent deal for the quality.
Adding bunch more KB work into routine for cardio .