Kettlebell workout progress

Did a set of 100 with the 25kg

Just started swinging and kept right on going. First goal was 50 reps, then 70, then figured I was in bed with a hundo so I had to do it. Lungs and hands burning. A lovely feeling.
Well the last 18 hours have sucked.

Did my 3rd workout just after midnight, slept, worked in the yard in 106 degree heat for a few hours, was exhausted... and I still had to do the last workout of the week.

I made a deal with myself. Take it easy, take a long 3 minute break every 10 minutes (8 sets), and see how far I can go.

An hour later, I did 40 sets total, and feeling not exhausted. 800 swings to round out the week, and I'm now ahead of schedule to complete the 10K swings. One week to go.
Well the last 18 hours have sucked.

Did my 3rd workout just after midnight, slept, worked in the yard in 106 degree heat for a few hours, was exhausted... and I still had to do the last workout of the week.

I made a deal with myself. Take it easy, take a long 3 minute break every 10 minutes (8 sets), and see how far I can go.

An hour later, I did 40 sets total, and feeling not exhausted. 800 swings to round out the week, and I'm now ahead of schedule to complete the 10K swings. One week to go.
Nice dude. I gotta do 1k today because I'm working a double and likely won't be able to get swings in tomorrow. I did 10 on the minute for 25 mins with the 40kg and am now doing 25 on the minute for 10 mins one handed swings with the 25kg. Dunno what the second 500 will look like.
Well the last 18 hours have sucked.

Did my 3rd workout just after midnight, slept, worked in the yard in 106 degree heat for a few hours, was exhausted... and I still had to do the last workout of the week.

I made a deal with myself. Take it easy, take a long 3 minute break every 10 minutes (8 sets), and see how far I can go.

An hour later, I did 40 sets total, and feeling not exhausted. 800 swings to round out the week, and I'm now ahead of schedule to complete the 10K swings. One week to go.

I've mentioned this in other threads, but I'm a truck driver and drive from Denver CO to Wichita KS and back 3 times a week, usually at night, and without naps.

Those 18 hours kicked my ass so hard I had to take 2 separate breaks to take naps, totaling 4.5 hours on the 1st drive up to Denver, and then slept all the 10 hours during my mandatory 10 hour break.

Sheesh. Heavy lifting in 106 degree weather really kicked my ass, and its like the swings were just another layer of exhaustion.
Well I just did something I didn't expect. For the first time in like 18 years I got 'runners high' except from doing kettlebell swings.

At the beginning I thought I was going to do my regular 500 swings, and maybe add in a few sets due to rests. I took a rest 8 sets in, and then 16 sets in. Then the 'runners high' kicked in and I wasn't getting exhausted no matter how many sets I was doing.

I did an entire hour, 48 sets, never quitting after that 16th set which was 20 minutes into the 60.

Had a goal of doing 500 swings, ended up doing 960 swings.

Very much ahead of schedule for the 10K Challenge, but I'm not going to count them up because I may get lazy.
Didn't get 1k yesterday, ended up getting 500 in 25 mins, 20 reps on the minute with 25kg after working 16 hours and sleeping for 5. I just kept telling myself that it's a challenge for a reason.
Well I just did something I didn't expect. For the first time in like 18 years I got 'runners high' except from doing kettlebell swings.

At the beginning I thought I was going to do my regular 500 swings, and maybe add in a few sets due to rests. I took a rest 8 sets in, and then 16 sets in. Then the 'runners high' kicked in and I wasn't getting exhausted no matter how many sets I was doing.

I did an entire hour, 48 sets, never quitting after that 16th set which was 20 minutes into the 60.

Had a goal of doing 500 swings, ended up doing 960 swings.

Very much ahead of schedule for the 10K Challenge, but I'm not going to count them up because I may get lazy.
Nice, dude! You notice any DOMS?
Only managed 225 swings yesterday but it was with the 48kg, also walked 5 miles. Did the Mark Wildman Turkish get up mastery program this morning. Highly recommended if you want to deep dive into how kettlebells can make you better everywhere.
I took 5 days off because I haven't been feeling well.

Basically I forced myself to do a hour workout, taking three extended breaks at 20, 40, & 50 minutes.

One more workout like this on Monday and I'll achieve the 10K swings.
And the results?

I'm stronger.

Never thought I'd be able to do 24+ straight sets before this month.

Though I'm going to incorporate a high-protein & low-shit diet and hopefully see some actual results next month.

Putting on those two 2.5 weights onto the kettlebell and doing the 10K again.
Did 30 reps on the minute for 10 mins and shredded my fingers with 25kg. Then did the other 200 reps with the 32kg. I'm down 8lbs on the scale since starting, think this is week 3. Been doing one albeit gigantic meal a day
Got bored of the challenge. Switched to marathoning. Did 20 straight mins without putting the bell down with 16kg. 10 mins of snatches and 10 mins of clean and press. Switching hands every minute.
@GearSolidMetal if and when you get tired of swinging, give the kettlebell marathon stuff a try, you can start as low as you want time wise. I've done 24kg for 30 mins before. I'd like to get back to that. I actually achieved a runners high this morning doing the 20 mins nonstop.
@GearSolidMetal if and when you get tired of swinging, give the kettlebell marathon stuff a try, you can start as low as you want time wise. I've done 24kg for 30 mins before. I'd like to get back to that. I actually achieved a runners high this morning doing the 20 mins nonstop.

After the 10K challenge at the end of last month I did something I wish I hadn't... I barely touched kettlebells since, until last night.

My basement, where I usually exercise, is a mess from my house being worked on, but that's a half-assed excuse. 2 weeks ago I worked out, after a week passed from the 10K challenge, to do a workout with the 50 pounder with the 5 pound plates added onto the center of the handle. I can't explain why but adding the 5 pounds makes swings significantly tougher to the point I bet my 62 pounder is easier to swing with.

Imagine my frustration when I gassed out after 8 twenty-rep sets.

So I fucked up by not touching kettlebells for an additional 2 weeks. I should have done workouts every 2 days until I could at least do 16 sets (one complete 20-minute workout).

I realized if I don't get back on the horse I'm going to completely lose all my progress and my 6 months of workouts would have been a waste of time. So I moved shit out of the way in my basement and grabbed the 50 pounder, and started swinging... and did 16 sets straight. No breaks.

That's what I was questioning if I was ever going to do at the beginning of the 10K challenge.
Now I still collapsed from exhaustion at the end, left a small puddle of sweat on the mats, and probably would have normally taken a break around set 12, but it was pure determination to do 16 straight sets that got me through it.

I'm thankful that a few weeks of laziness hasn't killed all the progress I've made.
Dude, fantastic work! I've been tempted to do the 10K challenge for awhile, but have never done it. I know a few people who have: in addition to the conditioning, they all added strength and even some muscle in upper back and forearms. One lost a ton of fat, too.
After the 10K challenge at the end of last month I did something I wish I hadn't... I barely touched kettlebells since, until last night.

My basement, where I usually exercise, is a mess from my house being worked on, but that's a half-assed excuse. 2 weeks ago I worked out, after a week passed from the 10K challenge, to do a workout with the 50 pounder with the 5 pound plates added onto the center of the handle. I can't explain why but adding the 5 pounds makes swings significantly tougher to the point I bet my 62 pounder is easier to swing with.

Imagine my frustration when I gassed out after 8 twenty-rep sets.

So I fucked up by not touching kettlebells for an additional 2 weeks. I should have done workouts every 2 days until I could at least do 16 sets (one complete 20-minute workout).

I realized if I don't get back on the horse I'm going to completely lose all my progress and my 6 months of workouts would have been a waste of time. So I moved shit out of the way in my basement and grabbed the 50 pounder, and started swinging... and did 16 sets straight. No breaks.

That's what I was questioning if I was ever going to do at the beginning of the 10K challenge.
Now I still collapsed from exhaustion at the end, left a small puddle of sweat on the mats, and probably would have normally taken a break around set 12, but it was pure determination to do 16 straight sets that got me through it.

I'm thankful that a few weeks of laziness hasn't killed all the progress I've made.
Hell yes dude. Hope now you're motivated to keep swinging!