Laugh all you want I don't give a sh*t. The carnivore diet is the real deal

Haha Not amazing, never has been, no further issues than what I've already had for years.

Show physique and a picture of you. Most vegana look like shit unless they are juiced to the gills.
There is no veggie option with anywhere near the nutrient profile of beef/salmon/eggs. It has been clear for a long time now that fat and protein are a far better base for most people than carbs.

If you want to base your diet on "morals" that's your business; but don't pretend that it is healthier and don't embarrass yourself with childish nonsense about "murder" when eating other animals is the basis of our (and all higher) species.

Yeah no plant protein hace the perfect amino acid profile of animal foods. Most lack leucine for instance which is very important to build muscle..moreover their are not well absorbed do to the vast quantity of anti nutrientes in plants.
Are doing any physical training along with this? Martial arts or other wise...

That 16 hour fast and just yogurt for breakfast seems to have me thinking your quite low on the calorific side of things..

If you are training , how does it feel with this diet? ...are u after gainz or losing or maintaining your current physique

I'm maintaining i eat 180 to 200 grams of protein from real food at the end of the day. My dinners are huge and this is why I'm not hungry for hours.

I don't even lift weights. I do long walks every morning, around 7 I train either judo or BJJ and 45 min swim afterward that's it. A few functional exercises here and there


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A well planned plant based diet can work that's what they said. But that's not their main recommendation, their main recommendation is a well balance high quality omnivorous diet.

The WPPB diet requires synthetic supplementation And a large variety and diversity of plants. The diet is unnatural, not practical at all. The amino acids profile of plant protein sucks and it's not even close as bioavailable as the animal based protein (what we've eating for 300,000 years) so you need to eat more , you better off just eating a bunch of Vegan protein powders.

Let's he honest here the great majority of vegans are not fucking following this strict diet. They Are still eating processed foods, desserts, pizza, donuts, candies , etc. Most vegans look either unhealthy skinny or fat. Don't the lies. Only very few follow the WPPB diet, most couldn't care less about this health
Recommendations are fully subjective though, if you can you can... High quality meat is exclusive and expensive and completely impractical for most...

You need like B12, the rest is not much different to what anyone would likely be suggested on any diet.. Vit D etc ... Appeal to nature means nothing.
Not true the caloric density of plants is plenty, I've put on (fat)weight and muscle since dropping meat and dairy... Unless your aim is to look like Lesnar it's a piece of piss..

Processed food is also circumstantially good and bad, I don't know what the majority of Vegans are doing with regards to this.
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I'm maintaining i eat 180 to 200 grams of protein from real food at the end of the day. My dinners are huge and this is why I'm not hungry for hours.

I don't even lift weights. I do long walks every morning, around 7 I train either judo or BJJ and 45 min swim afterward that's it. A few functional exercises here and there

Very interesting , thanks for the info..

You look healthy , keep it up.. not sure what ur end goal is but your definitely not unhealthy

Swimming is phenomenal training good stuff i always liked that

What are your stats ..height..age..weight.. and your goals?
Suffering is part of the world, don't like it? Then GTFO and shirt your mouth. We are a lot more efficient to kill other species without suffering than most species which make them suffer for several minutes and eat them alive.
And you know after all morality and ethics are subjective and not objective. That's why it needs to be defined by the law. We know what's animal abuse, it's outlined in the law, actually if you call me animal abuser that's defamation by definition.

Hey and by the way hundreds of thousands don't have access to plant based foods like the Inuit and others. Are they immoral for trying to survive? Or their case is different since they don't have other options? Do you must have other options like B12 pills in order to me immoral and unethical? How stupid is that? This is why the law will NEVER EVER use your fucking ridiculous definition of animal abuse
Appeal to law is retardation..
Your understanding of empathy and will to minimise suffering should be higher than that of a Lion.. do you condone rape then too?

No not at all, veganism is about what is practical.. what is practical for tribesman and Inuits is irrelevant unless you are one.

You sounds pretty triggered from all that cruel shit in your stomach.. calm down, you are not the victim here.
Recommendations are fully subjective though, if you can you can... High quality meat is exclusive and expensive and completely impractical for most...

You need like B12, the rest is not much different to what anyone would likely be suggested on any diet.. Vit D etc ... Appeal to nature means nothing.
Not true the caloric density of plants is plenty, I've put on (fat)weight and muscle since dropping meat and dairy... Unless your aim is to look like Lesnar it's a piece of piss..

Processed food is also circumstantially good and bad, I don't know what the majority of Vegans are doing with regards to this.

The calorific density of most vegetarian protein sources is the problem; if you're trying to eat 200g of protein within a sensible calories limit its difficult without lean meats/fish. Vegetarians who eat eggs/yoghurt/cheese/whey protein etc can of course do it (and cheaply as well) but veganism is far more restrictive. A lot of the "fake meat" stuff is very processed, and eating large amounts of soy products isn't good for your test levels.
The calorific density of most vegetarian protein sources is the problem; if you're trying to eat 200g of protein within a sensible calories limit its difficult without lean meats/fish. Vegetarians who eat eggs/yoghurt/cheese/whey protein etc can of course do it (and cheaply as well) but veganism is far more restrictive. A lot of the "fake meat" stuff is very processed, and eating large amounts of soy products isn't good for your test levels.
Processed doesn't always = bad
and human Soy issues have been debunked loads of times.
Processed doesn't always = bad
and human Soy issues have been debunked loads of times.
Processed doesn't always equal bad yes, and I also don't think completely "clean" eating is a good thing anyway. But if you take your health and nutrition seriously, swapping good quality meat/fish/eggs (which have far better nutrient profiles) for processed vegan "meat" is dumb.

And no, the soy issue has not been debunked which is why I said "large amounts" as almost all the studies involve relatively low amounts (like 20-50g daily) which is nowhere near meeting protein requirements for anyone weight training. Like a lot of "food science" there's a lot we don't really know, and anecdotal evidence and personal experience shouldn't be sniffed at; especially considering how completely wrong a lot of mainstream food advice has later been shown to be.
Damn, we've got some bro scientists in this forum!
Maybe because most "food scientists" either work for those selling us cheap food, run studies with pitifully small amounts of subjects or extrapolate from epidemiological studies that are in effect merely anecdotal data on a large scale. Oh and are literally proved wrong every few years about almost everything.

Surely if covid has taught you anything it's that "experts" are limited as fuck and greatly beholden to vested interests.

The FDA still classifies eggs as bad for you due to high cholesterol content ffs.

If you had spent the last 30 years listening to the establishment on what's healthy you wouldn't be.
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Great video by Eckburg explaining why the quality of our food, both meat and veg, is going down.

Even if you don't eat animals, you want them pooping on the soil where your veg is growing, otherwise you're just pulling nutrients out of the ground without replacing it. Livestock are an integral part of all farming.

Is really no one going to comment on the fact this dude said he doesn't shit
So basically you made a thread to admit that you shun the scientific method and don't care about evidence, expertise or rational debate; only about your personal impressions, intuitions and experiences which are mostly subjective, carry no clear methodology, have no way of accounting for perception errors or confounding factors, or assessing long term risks/benefits and are prone to bias.

Which is all well and good. The true question is why should anyone give a fuck about having a conversation with such a person or try to convince them of anything, lol.
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So basically you made a thread to admit that you shun the scientific method and don't care about evidence, expertise or rational debate; only about your personal impressions, intuitions and experiences which are purely subjective, carry no clear methodology, have no way of accounting for perception errors or confounding factors, or assessing long term risks/advantages and are prone to bias and not a source of anything approaching actual knowledge.

Which is all well and good. The true question is why should anyone give a fuck about having a conversation with such a person or try to convince them of anything, lol.

OK now I understand about the laughing, cause you nailed it and its hilarious, thank you.
Maybe I should edit my first post,
So basically you made a thread to admit that you shun the scientific method and don't care about evidence, expertise or rational debate; only about your personal impressions, intuitions and experiences which are purely subjective, carry no clear methodology, have no way of accounting for perception errors or confounding factors, or assessing long term risks/advantages and are prone to bias and not a source of anything approaching actual knowledge.

Which is all well and good. The true question is why should anyone give a fuck about having a conversation with such a person or try to convince them of anything, lol.
The problem is that financial interests are influencing what gets labeled 'science'. I've told my story here multiple times already, but 6 doctors couldn't give me hope in battling my autoimmune disorder. It took some random dude from Greece who I met in the comments section of a YouTube video to steer me to aip diet and my disease has been in remission ever since, over 5 years pain free now after being bedridden with pain. Given that, anecdotal evidence and personal experience means more to me then whatever bullshit they're currently trying to sell wrapped as 'medical science'.
The problem is that financial interests are influencing what gets labeled 'science'.

Then the solution would be to consult multiple peer reviewed sources in respected journals and/or different experts and check their funding and credentials, and see what their reasoning is and whether it seems to make sense, not to dismiss all science. To think all or even most science has some nefarious intent behind it is just fictional conspiratorial thinking. There's nothing wrong with conducting personal experiments with different diets either (or with anything else).

I've told my story here multiple times already, but 6 doctors couldn't give me hope in battling my autoimmune disorder. It took some random dude from Greece who I met in the comments section of a YouTube video to steer me to aip diet and my disease has been in remission ever since, over 5 years pain free now after being bedridden with pain. Given that, anecdotal evidence and personal experience means more to me then whatever bullshit they're currently trying to sell wrapped as 'medical science'.

I'm sure a lot of people have negative experiences with doctors, just like many have positive experiences. The problem with anecdotal evidence is that it provides no controls for anything and is subject to 100% of your own biases. That doesn't mean it should be discounted, sometimes it's all there is, and everyone is different, and subjective feelings and personal experiences matter. But we should be aware of its limitations, just like we try to be aware of the limitations of different studies. They're certainly fallible and it's hard to draw conclusions since it's not possible to control for every factor in something like nutrition in the same way you can do in a physics lab.

That's the reason people work hard to study stuff very carefully in a variety of ways and get it reviewed by people from different backgrounds. The conclusion that because it seems to you like something worked (when we have no ways of checking if something else would've worked equally well, or if it was something else that worked), that you should then dismiss any evidence or data in favor of YouTube comments seems to be pretty irrational to me. I'd be careful about adopting such a stance about most topics.

For example, some people are overweight their whole lives and don't have major health issues. So, with your logic, these people should simply disregard any suggestion of increased risk of any disease and just go ahead with their personal experience. On average, on a large sample size, this will lead to poor results and biased statements.

Anyway, I just don't get the motivation behind making threads like these when someone has already entrenched themselves in an admittedly arbitrary position and don't care about what anyone has to say. I get that the thread title is half joking/trolling, but who cares about debating someone like that?
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Then the solution would be to consult multiple peer reviewed sources in respected journals and/or different experts and check their funding and credentials, and see what their reasoning is and whether it seems to make sense, not to dismiss all science. To think all or even most science has some nefarious intent behind it is just fictional conspiratorial thinking. There's nothing wrong with conducting personal experiments with different diets either (or with anything else).

I'm sure a lot of people have negative experiences with doctors, just like many have positive experiences. The problem with anecdotal evidence is that it provides no controls for anything and is subject to 100% of your own biases. That doesn't mean it should be discounted, sometimes it's all there is, and everyone is different, and subjective feelings matter. But we should be aware of its limitations, just like we try to be aware of the limitations of different studies. They're certainly fallible and it's hard to draw conclusions since it's not possible to control for every factor in something like nutrition in the same way you can do in a physics lab.

That's the reason people work hard to study stuff very carefully in a variety of ways and get it reviewed by people from different backgrounds. The conclusion that because it seems to you like something worked (when we have no ways of checking if something else would've worked equally well, or if it was something else that worked), that you should then dismiss any evidence or data in favor of YouTube comments seems to be pretty irrational to me. I'd be careful about adopting such a stance about most topics.

For example, some people are overweight their whole lives and don't have major health issues. So, with your logic, these people should simply disregard any suggestion of increased risk of any disease and just go ahead with their personal experience. On average, on a large sample size, this will lead to poor results and biased statements.

Anyway, I just don't get the motivation behind making threads like these when someone has already entrenched themselves in an admittedly arbitrary position and don't care about what anyone has to say. I get that the thread title is half joking/trolling, but who cares about debating someone like that?
I used to follow that kind of mainstream research that told me to eat a low fat diet mainly consisting of grains like bread and pastas 5-6 times a day and ultimately, it nearly killed me. I imagine that the remedy prescribed by all 6 of the doctors who treated me, immunosuppressants and antibiotics, was also backed by 'well respected' peer reviewed research.

After realizing that they were all misinformed and that my disease could be treated in a far more effective way through diet that gave me a better quality of life and the best health I've ever had, I reached the conclusion that a lot of the research was bullshit and designed to make me sick and dependent on expensive drugs.

Op, while cavalier in the way he gives his opinion, is relatable and I think that he, along with others like us, write of our personal experiences with aip and carnivore diet because it works. That's really all I care about. Maybe someday actual science not tainted by special interests other than finding the truth will further explain why it works.

It's funny, people throw around terms like 'medical science' to back these bogus treatments for our immune systems made weak by our diets suggesting that, if you disagree, you don't believe in facts and truth when in reality, much of modern day medical science should be called the medical arts as it's still very much in it's infancy.

Thanks to financial interests like pharmaceutical companies who have a pill or a jab for every malady, the waters of mainstream western medicine have been muddied so much that it's hard to take anything they say seriously.

Personal experience trumps whatever advice they have after the way I was screwed up by the treatment recommended by my 6 doctors. Thank God I'm off their garbage now. Since not listening to them anymore, I've never felt better and fear no virus. If I can maintain my medical freedom and keep their vaccines out of my body, I'll be a happy camper. I'd rather drink snake oil and have my blood sucked by leeches than deal with the side effects of that garbage.

If I were wrong, wouldn't I be in poor health? I've never felt better. Aip, fasting, and carnivore are all good tools that everyone should experiment with. What do you have to lose? You can always disregard it later if you don't feel like it helps, and if that's the case, talk about it here. Like I said, I'm more interested in people's personal experience these days than studies and research.

What's your vetting process for 'respectable' journals and credentials? Have you experimented with aip or carnivore? You might have allergies that you're not even aware of. You should at least try it. Tell us how it goes. It not only saved my life, I feel better at 39 than I did in my 20s.