Locked PWD 1149: NikkitaXT

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Frank Trigg. Now that's a name I haven't heard in a very long time.

Double J taught him well. Always be hanging around!
Meanwhile our close, personal friend @Pliny Pete is enjoying a pro wrestling show in the great town of Oakland! Thank you Mr Rhodes for keeping The Business alive!
We got a guy working a matador gimmick now? I dig it. A timeless classic that always gets over.


Been a long time for me. I went like 14 years buying damn near all the UFC ppvs. But no more! They lost a hardcore. Build some stars and maybe Ol Rex will be back. Because Sean O'Malley ain't cutting the mustard, pal!
He stinks! I'm that filthy casual now that's just asking when Conor is fighting!
I'd like Dern to stretch me and I'll just leave it at that.
I want the real Brazilian to win just because the mouth piece now.
really good ufc card tonight. any of you goons gonna watch?
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