Should I get into Moorcock?

After a lot of trepidation and some excitement, I got into Moorcock.

Reading the first novel, Elric of Melnibone, I definitely think this character influenced the creation of the Targaryens and Geralt of Rivia even if I haven't read the GOT or Witcher novels. And I would say it definitely influenced the anime Fullmetal Alchemist - I watched the two different anime series but never read the manga. But seems like FMA was influenced not only by the Elric novels but the Corum novels by Moorcock as well.

The novel was not technically written well in my opinion. It read like a comic book without images. Everything seemed shorthand, which was good and bad at the same time. It didn't drag on, but it felt "cheap" because someone like Stephen King can be very descriptive of a situation or setting, while Moorcock's writing was lacking in description. No way I am a bookworm so take that criticism as you would.

Since I am a slow reader and I read a digital copy from a computer, I easily got distracted and didn't finish the novel quickly. If I would continue reading this, I might have to get the physical books, or consume via audiobook. I feel no urge to continue reading from a computer.
What you should be asking is, should morecock be getting into you?
Truly a connoisseur of exotic tastes, I see

moorcock, less pussy.