Crime Internationally Famous Sycamore by Hadrian's Wall felled by Vandal

650lb Sumo

Black Belt
Aug 25, 2021
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The destruction of the iconic, world-famous Sycamore Gap tree has triggered widespread outrage and upset as a 16-year-old boy who was arrested has now been released on bail.


The ancient, majestic tree, next to Hadrian’s Wall in Northumberland, was chopped down overnight on Wednesday in what 'looks like a deliberate act of vandalism', said the 'incandescent' Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioner, Kim McGuinness.


In a statement Northumbria Police said: 'A 16-year-old male was arrested in connection with the incident. He has since been released on police bail, pending further inquiries.'

They added the teenager is currently scheduled to report back to police in late November.

Sycamore Gap, thought to be around 300 years old, was made famous by actor Kevin Costner when it appeared in his 1991 film Robin Hood: Prince Of Thieves, and was voted English Tree of the Year in 2016 in the Woodland Trust’s awards. It has become one of the most photographed trees in the UK.

As police officers searched the area the tree’s destruction prompted an outpouring of anger and sorrow from MPs, campaigners and the public alike.

Shadow Security Minister Dan Jarvis


described the tree’s felling as a 'senseless act of vandalism' and told of his hopes the culprit is caught, while the conservation charity Woodland Trust wrote of their devastation at the 'truly irreplaceable loss' in a post retweeted by naturalist Chris Packham.



I'm afraid to find out how many trees are cut down every day in the UK to continue to concrete over the country with the rapidly climbing population.

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Weird how no photos show sawdust anywhere. Thats a good size trunk, there should be sawdust everywhere.

Fuck that kid too. His punishment should be 3 moths of tree planting throughout the country.

Edit -nm, found overhead view of scene that shows dust on opposite side of view in OP
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Weird how no photos show sawdust anywhere. Thats a good size trunk, there should be sawdust everywhere.

Edit -nm, found overhead view of scene that shows dust on opposite side of view in OP

I was going to say the same thing. I have cut down a lot of trees over the years, and they make quite a mess.
Damn. What a shame.
Public hanging, at the very least.. maybe light the rotting carcass on fire.

Yikes. For cutting down a tree? I'd hate to hear the punishments you'd suggest for other crimes.
Yikes. For cutting down a tree? I'd hate to hear the punishments you'd suggest for other crimes.
It's OK, the kid was white.

Now if he'd only done something small like burn down businesses, we'd just let him go. Because that's obviously peacefully protesting.
Plant a new one.

LoL, my father in law used to take down giant sequoias in California. The pictures are nuts.
I'm amazed that a 16 year old took the time and made the effort to do it , It's a pretty random thing to do especially on his own I wonder if it was a dare or some sort of group endeavour .
George Washington did it at 6yo and became President…

The difference was it was his father's tree.

I believe this was a government owned land mark.

But ok let's give him the same punishment old George got. Woodshed and ass beating.
The difference was it was his father's tree.

I believe this was a government owned land mark.

But ok let's give him the same punishment old George got. Woodshed and ass beating.
Hell, a woodshed ass whooping is probably more then this lil cunt is going to receive.

most likely a scolding and community service.
Let Treebird go all Axe Murderer style on him like he did with Yuki Kondo…
It actually upset me quite a bit seeing this. I've visited the site and it's beautiful.

I cannot fathom why anyone would do this. The nearest road is something like 200 metres away and you would had to have had pretty decent chainsaw to go at it. When it was first reported, I assumed it was some fuckwit from the forestry commission who felled the wrong tree.