Crime Internationally Famous Sycamore by Hadrian's Wall felled by Vandal

The difference was it was his father's tree.

I believe this was a government owned land mark.

But ok let's give him the same punishment old George got. Woodshed and ass beating.

The consensus is the George Washington chopping down a cherry tree story is fake. I can't really see a 6 year old cutting down a tree with a hatchet anyway.
What shit kid. Probably did it for social media clout.

Tree was bout tree fiddy years old too :(
Heard this on the radio.

This little shit needs to spend a lot of time behind bars. When he gets out, make him plant a zillion trees.
I'm amazed that a 16 year old took the time and made the effort to do it , It's a pretty random thing to do especially on his own I wonder if it was a dare or some sort of group endeavour .
It's not uncommon with famous trees, actually.

It's why the exact location of Hyperion - the Sequoia in California that is the tallest tree in the world - is kept secret. They're afraid some dick will come and chop it down.
I heard they let him go because he identifies himself as a beaver