Opinion MAID is Not Only Unethical, It's Murder

Well, she isn't "totally healthy", unless you don't consider mental afflictions as real. She suffers from Autism, Borderline Personality Disorder, & Depression, and after being told by her medical professionals it wasn't going to get any better for her, she elected death over continued existence.

She has a lover, is a reasonably attractive and young person, and has several pets she cares deeply about ... what do you suggest? We force her to live unhappily so that we might experience less cognitive dissonance? She wants to go. She will find a way with or without medical assistance.

Locking her up and forcing her to live against her will, will not make the world a better place.
Tough spot.
But killing her opens complications.
Like when the government starts assisting people that may not want it. Or they pressure people to do it. Suicidal people are probably not productive and paying taxes, government makes money by doing this.
I'm betting these pro suiciders were also pro vaccine and mask. Liberalism is a mental disorder.
Tough spot.
But killing her opens complications.
Like when the government starts assisting people that may not want it. Or they pressure people to do it. Suicidal people are probably not productive and paying taxes, government makes money by doing this.
This was interesting.
I'm betting these pro suiciders were also pro vaccine and mask. Liberalism is a mental disorder.
Calling it "pro suicide" only shows that you haven't really paid attention to what anyone is saying. I'll agree on the libs part though. It's always the fucking libs behind bad things that I don't agree with.
I'm betting these pro suiciders were also pro vaccine and mask. Liberalism is a mental disorder.
No I wasn't. It's not all black and white. We seem to agree on other topics where I'm more conservative. (a literal nazi as some may call it). I just think that there should be some kind of self determination regarding ending your life. And I'm not saying that everybody who is sad should be giving some suicide pill.
if somebody wants the government to help them die then they should just join the military, or start a fight with a cop.

Suicide by Cop is a real phenomenon
So they deemed her to be terminally ill? Yes she has a good amount of mental problems, but is it be all or end all? I don't know.

Not saying what she's going through is terrible, I've had crippling depression before and it puts you in the worst possible position. You feel like there is no way out of it kind of thing. You are in the deepest darkest hole and there is no light in the end of the tunnel.

But according to the article she also had autism and personality disorder. So she was going through a lot.

Not sure what to say about this, I just hope she found peace. Because once you die there is no turning back.
well, the thing is that, if you've got autism, it is a mental state, you would not know better..... it kind of contradicts the story a bit

sounds like a person that seeks out checkmarks for their portfolio from willing doctors.

everyone has issues in their lives, some worse than others, and the rest of us simply live with it.
"There’s nothing more we can do for you. It’s never gonna get any better"

She needs a new psychiatrist if that's really what they said
"There’s nothing more we can do for you. It’s never gonna get any better"

She needs a new psychiatrist if that's really what they said

You’re upset doctors have to have honest conversations about treatment options? Because the truth is offensive to others in society?

I mean c’mon. Doctors have to have these hard convos when it comes to many different conditions. The answer isn’t “hide the truth” because it might offend someone.
Tough spot.
But killing her opens complications.
Like when the government starts assisting people that may not want it. Or they pressure people to do it. Suicidal people are probably not productive and paying taxes, government makes money by doing this.

the government murdering mentally ill people has absolutely nothing to do with this.

Might as well say allowing cancer patients to opt out of chemo is going to lead to doctors murdering cancer patients against their will.
My ideal way to go would be to jump from that space capsule Red Bull guy did. After a heroic dose of mushrooms kicked in 15 minutes prior.
You’re upset doctors have to have honest conversations about treatment options? Because the truth is offensive to others in society?

I mean c’mon. Doctors have to have these hard convos when it comes to many different conditions. The answer isn’t “hide the truth” because it might offend someone.


I've had a psychiatrist. My mother was one. No psychiatrist should ever utter those words, especially when treating depression.

Like any profession, there are good psychiatrists and there are bad ones. There are terrible ones who will make your problems even worse, and there are plenty of those types. The fact they said that is a major red flag.

I've had a psychiatrist. My mother was one. No psychiatrist should ever utter those words, especially when treating depression.

Like any profession, there are good psychiatrists and there are bad ones. There are terrible ones who will make your problems even worse, and there are plenty of those types. The fact they said that is a major red flag.

Cool story. My dad was a psychologist. No one cares.

A doctor’s job is not to lie to a patient about the efficacy of treatment options. Whether or not the truth offends you or someone else doesn’t matter. It’s clear from the article she wasn’t seeing one doctor and had gone through treatment options that didn’t work.

You’re making assumptions on the state of her condition and assumptions on how it could be treated and assumptions on the doctors she worked with based off a couple paragraphs in the NYPost. That’s a big red flag. You have no clue if her condition was possible to effectively treat.
the government murdering mentally ill people has absolutely nothing to do with this.

Might as well say allowing cancer patients to opt out of chemo is going to lead to doctors murdering cancer patients against their will.
Fair point.

But the government has murdered its own people, this has happened in America and more often in other countries. By opening up this window, you open up the potential for corruption.

If uncle Sam has 100k people on hospital beds on medicaid, maybe he can "help" them and help his pocketbook at the same time.
Fair point.

But the government has murdered its own people, this has happened in America and more often in other countries. By opening up this window, you open up the potential for corruption.

If uncle Sam has 100k people on hospital beds on medicaid, maybe he can "help" them and help his pocketbook at the same time.

Doctors in the US are not government employees.

And this logic could be applied to any medical condition. And these patients aren’t taking up hospital beds. This is all a huge stretch.
trans confused depressed ppl should get MAIDs instead of gender affirmation care

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