Elections Trump challenges Biden to a debate

I've posted this several times here.

At midnight, on election night, Trump was beating Biden by 90k votes in Wisconsin. They said counting had been finished for that day.

The next morning around 8 am, I get a phone call from my uncle asking what the hell was going on and why were they claiming that Biden was going to win. (odds flipped over night where Trump was -300 and Biden was +250, and now Biden was the -300 favorite)

I go to my computer and refreshed the screen (I was still on Wisconsin's live total) and Biden had picked up 100k votes over night and Trump didn't get ONE.

I watched this happen with my own eyes.

What do you think is more likely:

- There was a sync delay/input error that caused a tabulated value on a website to jump up a large amount at once when it was found/resolved:


- Someone just added 100k votes for one candidate In the middle of the night, and somehow managed to do it in a way that could not be detected by multiple audits and leave no digital footprint.