LFA, Legacy Fighting Alliance, MMA, betting thread

No research done but putting a small amount on Daniela Antonelli at 3.40. She's facing a girl who fought better competition in the past but her last fights dates back to 5 years ago.
No research done but putting a small amount on Daniela Antonelli at 3.40. She's facing a girl who fought better competition in the past but her last fights dates back to 5 years ago.
Estifani is a bjj black belt tho. The other girl is kinda green.
Wallace/Lopez U1.5 rounds 1,150 to win 759
Magnus Conrado is the only one i like 125+

his opp has been finished in almost every lost. why he's the favorite i dont know.
Wanted to do a parlay with some favs but looks like BOL won't let me, bummer. Prolly skipping the card now instead.
Nadia vera has good value. More well rounded. Higher win% and decent performances in her losses.
Took Pena (-450) in spite of the steep odds. He's the son of Sergio Pena, so he's been training BJJ at a high level since he was born. He became a 2x D1 All-American wrestler, simply because he thought it would help his BJJ. LFA picked a lesser BJJer to get squashed by him, to keep the hype train rolling.

= $1.00 :cool:

Apparently Vera spent the whole fight twirling around trying to land a spinning back fist.