Michael Chandler says he has a deadline for Conor McGregor fight

Will Conor vs Chandler happen?

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Conor's mind games going into this Chandler fight have been incredible. Chandler has no idea what to expect at this point.

Only a retard believes that. This isn't mindgames. This is Conor not wanting to get off his PEDs until he has to. That and he's still delusional enough to believe everybody should bend to his wishes, despite not beating a credible opponent since Obama was President. Conor is out of his prime and he wasted his prime years getting wasted and getting into trouble with the law. He hasn't been in the gym [for serious training. Not his "look at me in the gym" antics like an Instagram Thot] for years. Meanwhile all of his potential opponents have been training and years. He's NOT going to make up for all those wasted years in an 8-12 week training camp. Especially with all the Yes-Men and Enablers he's surrounded by.

A further sign of his fall from grace is that He is the one doing the desperate call outs for a fight. When it used to be people calling him out.
Chandler would jump on this fight on Christmas day with no notice, who is he kidding
... Chandler... show some self-respect and stop bringing up Connor McDumbshit now. It's over. It ain't happening, Connor knows it, Connor wants none of it. Chandler needs to re-frame the mind into going back into the trenches of the top 5 LWs. Connor is done, the only opponent that makes sense is Tony CTE SHIT ONLY Ferguson at this point.
Chandler may be making a mistake here by waiting for a fight that might never happen, he’s not getting any younger.
On the flip side, he’s not getting younger and this might be the big ass payday he needs to cap his career off and retire with a bag.
Surprised Chandler's team didn't get Conor to sign for the fight when they agreed to do the show.
I know... I was trolling... to be fair he hated Chandlers Team and coaches and asked to leave.
That's fair. It's just funny that I think this would have been the first season with 4 finalists all from the same team, but they sure eked out a way for Conor to save face
That's fair. It's just funny that I think this would have been the first season with 4 finalists all from the same team, but they sure eked out a way for Conor to save face
Yeah, those prospects weren't very promising though... like none of them looked good at all .
It's all a really simple process for Conor. Get off the shit and enter the testing pool. The guy is a total shit stain on the sport.