International Mysterious pneumonia outbreak leaves China's hospitals overwhelmed

Just so people understand this fact South Korea got people wearing masks after COVID outbreak pretty much within weeks. They did it because the 2002 SARS outbreak and the US under Bush recommend a national policy to wear medical masks and South Korea took it seriously and when COVID hit the masks went on and no one complained. South Korean death total during the COVID outbreak was around 12,000 vs US 1.2 million in the US though South Korea has 1/6th the population of the US but they did not understand why the US was not rapidly releasing N95 masks or some form of masks. They where the ones who recommended the masks but then not following up. Of course people will point to a mix of data on masks effectiveness many people I talked to explained their experiences with the masks . According to them they seen fewer cases of COVID and fewer cases of the flu as they worked at Home Depot and Stop & Shop grocery store chain. Home Depot founder was a major Republican donor but felt it was important to listen to the experts and required the wearing of masks by employees and faced all kinds of employee complaints but those I talked to had no problems wearing them. But we will see how South Korea and New Zealand respond to this new problem.

You havnt been giving your kids thay trash mrna shit have you?
This typifies the Derp state.

You diss world changing vaccines tech, for what I can only imagine is a myriad of misinformation, just after revealing that you have no fucking clue about healthcare in general.

RSV? ...... it's easily diagnosed with a simple swab, so...... if it WAS RSV, the etiology would be known... ie) No mystery.

eg) I don't know anything about the subject matter, but I'm going to make noise about it anyway.... 'cause muh freedumb!

Yes, you are free to say and believe what you want, but I (and objective reality) have the freedom to know and say that you are a putz.
In 2019 we had the plandemic, resulting in lockdowns and mass mail-in ballots the following year, where Trump lost.

It is 2023 and we might have another plandemic; and 2024 is again an election year with Trump very likely on the ballot.

The deep state Dem machine is up to their old tricks again !!
This typifies the Derp state.

You diss world changing vaccines tech, for what I can only imagine is a myriad of misinformation, just after revealing that you have no fucking clue about healthcare in general.

RSV? ...... it's easily diagnosed with a simple swab, so...... if it WAS RSV, the etiology would be known... ie) No mystery.

eg) I don't know anything about the subject matter, but I'm going to make noise about it anyway.... 'cause muh freedumb!

Yes, you are free to say and believe what you want, but I (and objective reality) have the freedom to know and say that you are a putz.

I'm asking questions.
Pretty simple really.
Pneumonia isn't contagious is it? At least I didn't think so but happy to educated on that if I'm an asshat. My dad got it after his 114th covid shot and there was no talk of my mother having to isolate from him in case she caught it.
Pneumonia is fluid build up in the lungs. It in of itself is not contagious but whatever caused it may be, such as COVID 19. A lot of things can cause it
it is pretty nasty whatever it is.
my family got it, but it lingered in my youngest son (almost 3)
he had to go on a ventilator and get some procedures to clean out the fluid in his lungs
he is fine now but it was a damn scary time

and many kids are getting it. most are just pretty sick for a couple days but unfortunately many are like my kid who get really sick

despite that I rally hope they don't bring back the lockdowns

None of us got it yet, but it looks like the schools are anticipating a chance of online classes here. My older son had to bring all of his books home on Friday.
stay safe man. it's better if they stay home and don't get it.
None of us got it yet, but it looks like the schools are anticipating a chance of online classes here. My older son had to bring all of his books home on Friday.

You havnt been giving your kids thay trash mrna shit have you?
my kids got a vax from their school it was whatever the popular vax was at the time

there really isn't any vax talk with this new one it's just get it, and get better
No one has been dying from it so whatever.
my kids got a vax from their school it was whatever the popular vax was at the time

there really isn't any vax talk with this new one it's just get it, and get better

Really the school give covid vaxs out?
This one is very odd. The who and China are downplaying it as seasonal abnormalities but regulat people are insisting it is something new.

Also that it is starting as pneumonia is unusual since it is usually a later symptoms in flu like illness.
This one is very odd. The who and China are downplaying it as seasonal abnormalities but regulat people are insisting it is something new.

Also that it is starting as pneumonia is unusual since it is usually a later symptoms in flu like illness.
I don’t think it’s starting as pneumonia is it? I think it’s just not accompanied by some of the usual symptoms like cough and congestion.
So now ireland are saying the same thing. How can two countries pick up the same thing if it is an accumulation of diseases and not one?

Also ireland has been out of lock down for ages. China are saying it is a result of easing lock downs.
I don’t think it’s starting as pneumonia is it? I think it’s just not accompanied by some of the usual symptoms like cough and congestion.
I'm not sure but I'd imagine they just say that. Pneumonia is usually a later sympom of an illness so saying there is an outbreak is a bit odd, e.g you'd just say there is an outbreak of flue like sympoms. The videos being shown from China show a lot of children using breathing tubes and not blowing their nose into hankies.
Can someone give pneumonia to another person?
If it's a bacterial or viral infection that sets up in the lungs that causes that particular pneumonia. Airborne transmission is likely.
Just so people understand this fact South Korea got people wearing masks after COVID outbreak pretty much within weeks. They did it because the 2002 SARS outbreak and the US under Bush recommend a national policy to wear medical masks and South Korea took it seriously and when COVID hit the masks went on and no one complained. South Korean death total during the COVID outbreak was around 12,000 vs US 1.2 million in the US though South Korea has 1/6th the population of the US but they did not understand why the US was not rapidly releasing N95 masks or some form of masks. They where the ones who recommended the masks but then not following up. Of course people will point to a mix of data on masks effectiveness many people I talked to explained their experiences with the masks . According to them they seen fewer cases of COVID and fewer cases of the flu as they worked at Home Depot and Stop & Shop grocery store chain. Home Depot founder was a major Republican donor but felt it was important to listen to the experts and required the wearing of masks by employees and faced all kinds of employee complaints but those I talked to had no problems wearing them. But we will see how South Korea and New Zealand respond to this new problem.

Masks don't work for these viruses. JFC.